Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Play Dead by David Rosenfelt

Title: Play Dead
Author: David Rosenfelt
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 6/18/14
When was the book published:  2007
Main Characters: Andy Carpenter, dog Tara, other dog Reggie, partner Keith, cop friend Pete Stanton, computer whiz Sam Morris, Richard, falsely accused of murder, Karen, loyal sister, out-of-town girlfriend Laurie
What happens? Andy discovers a golden at the shelter where he volunteers, takes it in, and Karen finds him because it's Richard's dog, supposedly dead when he killed his wife on a boat and then tried to commit suicide.
How long was this? 310 pages
Did I like this? Wonderful, funny, entertaining, fast moving.  Delightful.  The plot behind the crime was a little hard to believe and tie in to the murder, and he never told us who was NOT at the funeral.  But great....
Overall grade: A-

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