Sunday, April 19, 2015

Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

Title: Dragonfly in Amber
Author: Diana Gabaldon
Did I listen or read?: Audible
When did I finish?: April 17, 2015
When was the book published:  1990s
Main Characters:  Book two with Claire, Jaime, Bryanna is introduced at the beginning
What happens?  Starts in 1968, Claire with Roger and Bry visit graves at the battle site, then back to the 1700s where Jamie and Claire try to stop the inevitable final battle at Culledon.  In Paris, then Edinburgh. Spoiler alert - Ends back in 1968 when Claire tells them the whole story.
How long was this? 36 hours I think!
Did I like this? Sensational, love the whole experience, the accents, the humor, the gore.
Overall grade: A

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