Sunday, April 12, 2015

Time And Again by Jack Finney

Title: Time and Again
Author: Jack Finney
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: April 9, 2015
When was the book published: 1970
Main Characters: Si Morley, time traveler
What happens? Si gets recruited to a government sponsored time travel effort where they combine simulation (a warehouse full of real life sets) and mental manipulation and hypnotism to have people go back in time.  They do extensive debriefs of the travelers because they think that what they do in the past might change the present, that something in the traveler's memory might not exist anymore.  Si goes back to 1882 to observe the mailing of a letter that ends up with the suicide of her grandfather.
How long was this?398 packed pages
Did I like this? pretty good, the ending was great, the middle was slooooooow.
Overall grade: B

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