Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Stranger by Harlan Coben

Title: The Stranger
Author: Harlan Coben
Did I listen or read?: Nook
When did I finish?: April 18, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Adam, wife Corinne, two sons, Tripp, "Gaston"
What happens?  The stranger informs Adam that his wife faked her pregnancy, and it starts a series of events that winds up with Corinne missing, money missing from the lacrosse treasury.  We see some of the other plots of "the stranger."
How long was this? 300 pages
Did I like this? Very good story.  The idea of a small group of young people revealing secrets, sometimes for profit, othertimes for "good" is a bit bizarre, but a good story, great characters, keeps moving.
Overall grade: A-

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