Saturday, June 13, 2015

Into A Raging Blaze

Title:  Into a Raging Blaze
Author: Andreas Norman
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 5, 2015
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters:  Carina Dymek, Bente Jensen
What happens?  Carina words in swedish public service, makes an impassioned speech at a Brussels conference, and a man gives her a report about a secret plan to form an EU spy agency.  She passes it to a couple of peers and her boyfriend (who is from Egypt.)  The idea is that the spy world treats her as a criminal without any justification - there is no foundation for there actions, but they ruin her life.
How long was this? 470 pages
Did I like this? It's an interesting idea, where the supposed terrorist link is just invented by the Brits to support their own interests.  The author stretches it out over nearly 500 pages, and, because there really is no terrorist threat, there really isn't much action.  
Overall grade: C+

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