Saturday, June 13, 2015

Nine Dragons by Michael Connelly

Title:  Nine Dragons
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 10, 2015
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters:  Harry Bosch, ex wife Eleanor, daughter Madeline, boss Gandle, partner Ferras, John Li
What happens? Li is killed in his liquor store, appears to be for not paying the triad, and Harry's daughter is kidnapped and he goes to Hong Kong to get her back, with help from Sun Yee, Elearnor's boyfriend.  SPOILER - this book is the end for Eleanor.  
How long was this? 374 pages
Did I like this?  This was fantastic.  His best work, Bosch is a fascinating and complex character.
Overall grade: A

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