Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Obsessions by Marshall Cook

Title: Obsessions
Author: Marshall Cook
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 30, 2015
When was the book published: 2008
Main Characters: Mo Quinn, husband Doug Prescott, lafferty the copy, Elzie and his special needs brother Lloyd, Roberta the cashier, egotistical author Fletcher Downs
What happens? Doug give Mo a present of a couple weeks at a writer's retreat in the backwoods of Wisconsin. Fletcher Downs is the big name author to attract people.  Doug and Mo get to know the little town, and then someone turns up dead.
How long was this? 302 pages
Did I like this? not so much.  mildly entertaining, not much of a plot, lots of interesting people, nothing to really make you think, "what's going to happen next? Who dunnit?"
Overall grade: C

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