Saturday, July 4, 2015

Voyager by Diana Gabaldon

Title: Voyager
Author: Diana Gabaldon
Did I listen or read?: audible book
When did I finish?: July 4, 2015
When was the book published:  1996?
Main Characters: Claire, daughter Bryanna, Roger McKenzie, Jamie, Fergus, Mr. Willoughby,
What happens? SPOILER ALERT - This starts in 1968 after Frank is dean, and where Claire figures out that Jamie is still alive in Edinburgh, working as printer A Malcolm.  She discovers that he had been married to Lira, the girl who tried to kill her.  They have Ian try to swim to recover treasure to pay off Lira, and he is kidnapped, and off they go to Jamaica.  They end up in Georgia.
How long was this? 33 hours
Did I like this? A little hard to believe that all these people that they know all wind up in Jamaica (or nearby together.)  But still a great story to commute with
Overall grade: A-

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