Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Enemy Inside by Steve Martini

Title:  The Enemy Inside
Author: Steve Martini
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: July 18, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Paul Madriani, Harry Hinds, investigator Herman, Alex Ives, reporter in trouble, Olinda Serna, Senator Grimes, the Eagle
What happens? Madriani and Hinds take the case of the young reporter who survived a crash into Serna's car that he was not concious for.  The fact the he was investigating her for bribery leads them into international intrigue, hired killers, a trip to Lucerne, etc.
How long was this? 373 pages
Did I like this? It was OK.  The political commentary about the fall of the US and the corruption were annoying, but Madriani is a character to root for.
Overall grade: B

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