Saturday, July 11, 2015

Finders Keepers by Stephen King

Title: Finders Keepers
Author: Stephen King
Did I listen or read?: Nook book
When did I finish?: July 10, 2015
When was the book published: no idea
Main Characters: Pete Stoubers, sister Tina, parents, Morris the criminal lunatic, author John Rothstein, the "detectives" Jerome, Holly and the ex-cop
What happens? Morris kills Rothstein in 1978 because he doesn't like what he did with his character, and then geta arrested for an unrelated rape.  Pete's family moves into Morris's old house and he discovers the money and books that were stolen.  Morris gets parole, and it all comes together at the Rec Center
How long was this?  338 pages
Did I like this? superb story, finished it in 4 days.
Overall grade A

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