Friday, August 11, 2023

The Lost Man by Jane Harper

 Title: The Lost Man

Author: Jane Harper
Did I listen or read?: libby audiobook
When did I finish?: 8/6/2023
When was the book published: 2018
Main Characters: Nathan, oldest brother, Cameron, dead at Stockman's grave, Bub, the youngest, Ilsa, Cameron's widow, Liz, mother, Carl, long dead father
What happens? Cameron's body is found at Stockman's grave, which he painted in a well-known painting.  The car is found 9 km away.  What happened?  Why?  the secrets of the family are unveiled, set in the Australian outback where homes are 3 hours from each other.
How long was this? 340 pages
Did I like this? A good story, yeah, makes life in the outback come to life
Overall grade: A-

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