Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hit Me by Lawrence Block

Title: Hit Me
Author: Lawrence Block
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 1, 2013
When was the book published: Feb 2013
Main Characters: Keller (aka Nicholas Edwards), his wife and daughter, Dot
What happens? Keller's house renovation business is slow, and his stamp collecting obsessive but not profitable, so he takes on some jobs for Dot in New York (a high ranking monk in a monastery) and on a cruise ship (a mobster under federal protection) and finally a contract for a kid who is a stamp collector.
How long was this?  337 pages
Did I like this? Block's writing is phenomenal and easy to read, funny, with great dialogue.  The plot is not really riveting, and the stamp collecting detail becomes a distraction.  I would read anything that Block writes - he is that entertaining.
Overall grade: B

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