Saturday, May 18, 2013

Plainsong by Kent Haruf

Title: Plainsong
Author: Kent Haruf
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 18, 2013
When was the book published: 1999
Main Characters: Tom Guthrie, sons Ike and Bobby, the McPheron brothers who have a farm, Victoria Robideaux, teenage girl, the Beckmans, Maggie Jones
What happens? Tom's a high school teacher, his wife has lost her mind and moved to Denver to live with her sister. Victoria gets pregnant and her mother throws her out of the house and she winds up living with the McPherons.
How long was this? 301 pages
Did I like this? Wonderful story, characters, very moving. Not much action or excitement, so why was I riveted to every page? Beautifully written
Overall grade A

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