Saturday, May 18, 2013

Where You Once Belonged by Kent Haruf

Title: Where You Once Belonged
Author: Kent Haruf
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Kauai May 2013
When was the book published: 1990
Main Characters: narrator and newspaper owner Pat Arbuckle, Jack Burdette, high school hero turned bad guy, sherriff Bud Sealy, Burdette's wife Jessie and two boys
What happens? Burdette comes back to town 8 years after stealing money from the town's main business, the grain storage place.  Arbuckle tells the story of their lives from growing up and going to college with Burdette, and his long romance of Wanda Jo whom he abandons when he marries Jessie at a convention.
How long was this? 176 pages
Did I like this? The guy is an amazing writer, who tells a story and captures the language and character of the people of Holt Colorado.
Overall grade: A-

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