Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Six Years by Harlan Coben

Title: Six Years
Author: Harlan Coben
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 21, 2013
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Professor Jacob Fisher, best friend Benedict, lost love Natalie, Todd Sanderson, mentor professor Hume, Mrs. Dinsmore, bad guys Otto and Bob aka Danny Zuker
What happens? Natalie dumps Jacob (six years ago), marries Todd, and says "promise to leave us alone."  Todd dies, and Jake sees his obituary, goes to the funeral, and Todd is married to Delia, not Natalie.  He can't keep his promise and investigates.
How long was this? 351 pages
Did I like this? read it in 3 days, great story by a great story teller.  I might have been able to see what was coming in the plot a bit., but I loved it anyways
Overall grade: A-

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