Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Judas Judge by Michael McGarrity

Title: The Judas Judge
Author: Michael McGarrity
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Kauai May 2013
When was the book published: July, 2000
Main Characters: Deputy State Polic chief Kevin Kearny, wife Sara Brannon, ex lawyer/judge Vernon Langsford, his dysfunctional family, Kay Murray and Penelope Gibbens
What happens? Someone goes on a killing spree, with Vernon killed along the way, but shot twice, giving away that he was the real target.  Kearny has to untangle to mess
How long was this? 270 pages
Did I like this? OK, not great, would try him again. Plot and characters reasonably good, but not compelling
Overall grade: B-

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