Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Naming of the Dead by Ian Rankin

Title: The Naming of the Dead
Author: Ian Rankin
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Kauia May 2013 
When was the book published: 2006
Main Characters: Det John Rebus, partner Siobhan, boss MacCrae, Siobhan's parents Teddy and Eve, journalist Mairie, bad guy Gerry Cafferty
What happens? Summer of 2005 and a big G8 summit in Edinburgh.  Rebus is working the murder of Cyril Colliar who was one of Cafferty's muscle.  A G8 conference delegate falls (or jumps or is pushed) to his death at one of the hotels and Rebus gets suspended for trying to solve these and tie them all together, as he draws closer to retirement.  London bombings occur during all of this; Siobhan's mother gets clocked in the head during the G8 protests.
How long was this? 564 pages
Did I like this? Rankin is a top notch writer.  In the tradition of great British thrillers, full of political tension and thoroughly believeable.
Overall grade: A-

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