Friday, December 30, 2011

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Title: Steve Jobs
Author: Walter Isaacson
Did I listen or read?: Xmas Present, hard cover
When did I finish?: December 29, 2011
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Every one notable from Jobs to Gates to Bill Clinton to Yo Yo Ma
What happens? The real story of who Steve Jobs was.
How long was this? 560 pages
Did I like this? Exceptional - great story. I actually wanted more detail on the product design process, but a great story told well.
Overall grade: A-

Coffin Man by James D. Doss

Title: Coffin Man
Author: James D. Doss
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: December 26, 2011
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Charlie Moon, detective and ranch owner, grandma Daisy Perika, 19 year old Sarah Frank (all Southern Ute indians), white sherrif Scott Parris - then Wanda Naranjo, pregnant daughter Betty, boyfriend Michael (Coffin Man) Kaufman
What happens? convoluted plot about a pregnant teenager who disappears and a cemetery handyman who gets murdered
How long was this? 340 pages
Did I like this? The characters and writing are amazing, the plot is really bad. too confusing, goes on and on. I want to try one more in this series, because I like his breezy, wordy style. Very different
Overall grade: B-

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Legal Tender by Lisa Scottoline

Title: Legal Tender
Author: Lisa Scottoline
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: December 20, 2011
When was the book published: 1996
Main Characters: Bennie Rosato (f), Mark Biscardi, Eve Eberlein, Bill Kleeb and terrorist girlfriend Eileen Jennings
What happens? Bennie's partner Mark dumps her for Eve, then decides to break up the law firm that they founded together. He does corporate law, and she defends the helpless. Tne next day, Mark is dead in his office, and Bennie is set up for it. She follows the trail to Bill Kleeb, and he is murdered, and she is set up for it. Then Eileen Jennings murders the CEO of some big company, and sets her up for that. She has to go underground, and co-worker Grady Wells comes to her rescue.
How long was this? 288 pages
Did I like this? yeah, pretty good, better than the last book I read by her years ago. She has a swarmy humor that I don't love, but this had a fast moving plot.
Overall grade: B+

Treasure Hunt by John Lescroart

Title: Treasure Hunt
Author: John Lescroart
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: Dec 15, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Mickey Dade, Wyatt Hunt (PI and Mickey's boss,) Alicia Thorpe, Dominic Como, Mickey's sister and Wyatt's receptionist Tamara, and their grandfather Jim Parr
What happens? Dominic Como, the king of SF charity, is found dead. Alicia (former driver and friend/possible lover of Como) is being set up for it. Wyatt and Mickey convince the charitable community to come up with reward money and pay them (as they are nearly out of business) for weeding through anonymous tips. They go to Len Turner, creepy lawyer to the rich and charitable, to set all this up.
How long was this? 350 pages
Did I like this? good story, well done, nothing incredible, but good stuff
Overall grade: B+

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Secret Servant by Daniel Silva

Title: The Secret Servant
Author: Daniel Silva
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Dec 5, 2011
When was the book published: 2007
Main Characters: Gabriel Allon, israeli spy. Elizabeth Halton, daughter to the us ambassador gets kidnapped.
What happens? Allon goes to clean up after an asset in Amsterdam is murdered. He stumbles into the islamic takeover of Europe and the world, and single handedly has to stop them. Good exciting story.
How long was this? 380 pages
Did I like this? I like the way he writes. I didn't like the whole Islamic, doomsday, post 9-11 thing.
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Damage by John Lescroart

Title: Damage
Author: John Lescroart
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: November 18, 2011
When was the book published: January 2011
Main Characters: Abe Glitsky, serial rapist Ro Curtlee, newspaper publisher parents, jury foreman Michael Durbin
What happens? Serial rapist / murderer Ro Curtlee gets a re-trial because people in the audience wore pins with pictures of the victim, gets out, starts eliminating witnesses. The jury foreman's wife dies in the a similar manner - is she a victim or a copycat? Glitzky nearly loses his job from political pressure.
How long was this? 399 pages
Did I like this? good story, twists and turns. The resolution with the Curtlees is surprising. Not sure if I liked it, but it resolved it without a long trial!
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Rembrandt Affair by Daniel Silva

Title: The Rembrandt Affair
Author: Daniel Silva
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Nov 4, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Gabriel Allon, Israeli spy and master art forger, Zoe Reed, journalist recruited by the spies, Julian Isherwood, art dealer, Lena Herzfeld, holocaust survivor saved in exchange for the Rembrandt Martin Landesman, great businessman and philanthropist in Israel whose fortune was founded from ill gotten war gains.
What happens? Gabriel and Chiara are recuperating from their last mission when he gets recruited because a Rembrandt has been stolen. It turns out that the painting has evidence of how the nazis stole money from the jews including lena herzfeld's family. The spy agencies recruit Zoe Reed to bug Martin (as she is in love with him) and then later to bring one of their agents into a monster party at his estate.
How long was this? 484 pages
Did I like this? yes, this is a good spy story with good guys, bad guys, characters, and Nazis. He writes well, and keeps it moving. You don't get too deep into the characters, but enough to make it work.
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Our Kind of Traitor by John Lecarre

Title: Our Kind of Traitor
Author: John LeCarre
Did I listen or read?: Read library book
When did I finish?: Oct 21, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Perry Makepeace and his girl Gail. Dima the russian banker for the mob. spies Luke, Ollie, Hector and Billy Boy their boss, and Aubrey Longrigg, super spy.
What happens? Perry and Gail take holiday in Antigua and get lured into Dima's life and family. Perry beats him at tennis and Dima decides that Perry will help him run away to England and become a whistleblower on the new russian mafia boss the Prince. Dima's family (crazy wife Tamara, two twin older boys, daughter Natasha from a previous wife, two little girls orphaned by the murder of their parents by the Prince.
How long was this? about 300 pages.
Did I like this? It was the author's usual slow spy writing but the action picked up in the 2nd half of the book - it was pretty exciting and he did a good job with letting you get to know the characters. I have never read a quality book with a worse ending. The ending was completely unacceptable - no explanation for what happened, it just ends.
Overall grade: C+

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Gamble by Felix Francis

Title: Gamble
Author: Keith Francis
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Oct 13, 2011
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Nick Foxton, financial advisor and former jockey, his artist girlfriend, Claudia, the advisory firm of Lyall and Black, the DI, rich guy Jolyon Roberts.
What happens? Nick is standing next to co-worker Herb Kovak who is assasinated in a crowd at Cheltenham. Nick's girlfriend gets cancer. Jolyon Roberts approaches Nick to discreetly investigate a Bulgarian investment made which appears fraudulent. People try to kill Nick.
How long was this? 352 pages
Did I like this? Very good. Just like Dick Francis, except Felix is quite a bit more modern in his cultural references. Otherwise, it fit the mold and was wonderful, delightful reading, finished in 5 days or less.
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Seal Team Six by Howard Wasdin

Title: Seal Team Six
Author: Howard Wasdin
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Sep 30, 2011
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Howard Wasdin
What happens? The true story of Howard's life and adventures in the military. Starts with an exciting preview, but then goes into an extensive life history of growing up, being abused by his father. Some stories of the brutal training were interesting.
How long was this? 313 pages
Did I like this? Interesting in parts. Overall, boring. Wanted to read about exciting military successes and failures, not how he came in first in every training exercise.
Overall grade: C

Reimagining the California Lawn

Title: Remimagining the California Lawn
Author: Bornstein, Fross, O'Brien
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: did not read, did not finish
When was the book published:
Main Characters:
What happens? reacquire this if we want to re-do the front lawn
How long was this?
Did I like this?
Overall grade:

Saturday, September 24, 2011

One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy by Stephen Tunney

Title: One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy
Author: Stephen Tunney
Did I listen or read?: read an advanced reading copy that I bought at Fort Mason for a dollar, during Jacob's improv show.
When did I finish?: late August 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Hieronymus Rexaphin and his girlfriend Slue (both 100%.) The dumb kids, Loopies, Clellen and Bruegel. An earth girl, Windows Falling on Sparrows
What happens? Interesting science fiction, the moon has been colonized under a giant oxygen tent or something, and a few folks on the moon have the "4th color" in their eyes, and if a normal human looks at them, they lose their minds. They all have to wear glasses to hide this to maintain order. There is a persistent cop on HR's trail because he winds up breaking the rule.
How long was this? 308 pages
Did I like this? Parts of it were interesting science fiction. The plot was unique and exciting a bit in the second half. It was challenging reading through the frustrating naming and language conventions ("They all got on the 'Johnwayneicus Laboratorium Highway, and he said 'what in the name of jesus and pixie are you doing?" The characters weren't well developed...just kinda frustrating, but entertaining.
Overall grade: B-

Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich

Title: Smokin' Seventeen
Author: Janet Evanovich
Did I listen or read?: read library book
When did I finish?: Sep 18, 2011
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: usual group (Stephanie, Lula, Connie, Joe Morelli, Ranger, parents, grandparetns); ex high school football star and chef Dave Brewer, Mooner
What happens?: Vinnie's bail bonds has burned down, they are working out of Mooner's mobile home, and people are leaving dead bodies in the lot. Someone is tagging these with notes for Stephanie. And a bunch of mob stuff that I don't remember.
How long was this? 308 pages
Did I like this? entertaining at points, same repetition repeated from previous books
Overall grade: C

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Star Island by Carl Hiaasen

Title: Star Island
Author: Carl Hiaasen
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: labor day 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Cherry Pye, teen singer, her parents Janet and Stan(?), Skink aka ex Governor Clinton Tyree, and Jim Tile, state trooper, Bang Abbot, paparazzi, Ann Delusia, stunt double for Cherry Pye
What happens? Skink wreaks havoc with some messed up real estate developers, and Bang gets too close to Cherry Pye and kidnaps her double. Skink kinda falls for Ann and they are the only interesting people
How long was this? 377 pages
Did I like this? entertaining and lots of laughs, but you really don't care about the people or what happens to them.
Overall grade: B-

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bank of the Black Sheep by Robert Lewis

Title: Bank of the Black Sheep
Author: Robert Lewis
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: August 2011 on biz trip to Germany
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Robert Llywelyn
What happens? He wakes up with amnesia in a hospice. He has terminal cancer and has two months to live. Oh, and he is handcuffed to the bed. He proceeds to try to find out who he is, what he was up to, and gets involved with counterfeit money.
How long was this? 277 pages
Did I like this? This was a really original idea, as this guy faces death, is very weak physically, has no resources, and tries to tie together what he was up to and make amends for evil ways of the past.
Overall grade: A-

Keepers of the Gate by Jon Land

Title: Keepers of the Gate
Author: Jon Land
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: business trip to DE, Aug 18
When was the book published: 2001
Main Characters: Palestinian American detective Ben Kamal and his colleague Danielle Barnea. Weatlhy billionaire and Israeli hero Paul Kessler
What happens? Two plots - someone is out to kill Kessler, and someone is killing teenagers who were friends at a special Palestinian - Israeli high school. They get mixed up with Nazi war criminals being hunted by a group in Israel.
How long was this? 325
Did I like this? Ok, not great, moved reasonably well.
Overall grade: B

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Strong Justice by Jon Land

Title: Strong Justice
Author: Jon Land
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: August 2011 on an SB trip to see Jenny with Jacob
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Caitlin Strong, texas ranger and daughter of Earl Strong, legendary texas ranger, and her sort of boyfriend Cort Wesley Masters, who used to be on the wrong side of the law. And Macerio, ruthless serial killer
What happens? Caitlin is a fifth generation ranger looking into the killings of multiple (hundreds of) women across the Mexico border. Cort Wesley has recently gotten custody of his boys and wants to straighten out and fly right. They also get involved with finding out what is going on with the billionaire farming water in Texas.
The weird thing for me is reading this after reading Grisham's The Appeal, which laid bar the corrupt Texas legal system and its use of the death penalty. These Texans were law enforcement officials with strong morality, guts, courage and respect for the law and for people. The other end of the pendulum, I think, with the truth likely somewhere in the middel.
How long was this? 340 pages
Did I like this? Very good stuff, reminded me of Robert Parker, tightly written and strong characters, will definitely try Jon Land again.
Overall grade: B+

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Confession by John Grisham

Title: The Confession
Author: John Grisham
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: August 7, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Texas Lawyer Ronnie Flake, falsely accused of Murder Donte Drumm, actual killer Travis Boyette
What happens? Donte's classmate makes up a story that Donte killed a missing girl. Donte gets a confession beaten out of him. Ronnie tries to save the day. Travis shows up close to the end to keep an innocent man from the death penalty for what he did. It turns into an anti-capital punishment, anti-Texas justice tirade.
How long was this? 414 pages
Did I like this? Good - the first half was riveting, exciting, but then it becomes predictable and political.
Overall grade: B

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Unknown Man #89 by Elmore Leonard

Title: Unknown Man #89
Author: Elmore Leonard
Did I listen or read?: Read a Baybooks paperback while touring the Amalfi Coast.
When did I finish?: July 13, 2011
When was the book published: 1977
Main Characters: Jack Ryan, process server. Robert Leary aka Bobby Lear is a bad guy, and Ryan is hired to find him. Dick Speed is his cop friend. Deborah Lee is Bobby's wife and Ryan falls for her. Mr. Perez is the man pulling the strings, has some unclaimed stock.
What happens? Ryan gets hired by a 3rd party to track down Bobby Lear. He gets mixed up with some bad people (Virgil and Tunafish) and ultimately meet's Lear's wife, who is drinking herself to death. Ryan is AA, and decides to help her (but doesn't tell her why he found her in the first place.) Hilarity ensues.
How long was this? 264 pages
Did I like this? Can't go wrong with Elmore Leonard. Great plot, great characters.
Overall grade: A

Bleeding Hearts by Ian Rankin

Title: Bleeding Hearts
Author: Ian Rankin
Did I listen or read?: read a book bought at baybooks while touring the Amalfi Coast and staying at Due Torre in Agerola.
When did I finish?: July 15, 2011
When was the book published: 1994 (2007)
Main Characters: Michael Weston is an assassin and does a job and realizes he has been set up. His friend Max sells him guns, and he winds up with Max's daughter Bel (not Fee, but close enought.) Hoffer is a PI and a druggie pursuing him. Kline is a CIA spook or similiar.
What happens? Weston is a famous assassin and realizes he has been burnt. He manages to get away, but he has to find out who did this to him. A good spy plot with lots of twists and turns.
How long was this? 472 pages but fast.
Did I like this? good spy story. should try others.
Overall grade: A-

Water Like a Stone by Deborah Crombie

Title: Water Like a Stone
Author: Deborah Crombie
Did I listen or read?: read a paperback purchased from Baybooks while hiking the Amalfi Coast and staying at Due Torre in Agerola
When did I finish?: July 20, 2011
When was the book published: 2007
Main Characters: Detective Superintendent Thomas Kincaid lives with Sargeant Gemma James and his son Kit and their son Toby, and go to spend Christmas with Hugh and Rosemary Kincaid, his parents, and Caspar Newcombe, Piers Duttons partner and the husband of Hugh's sister Juliet who has started her own construction business and discovers a baby buried in the wall. Annie Lebow is on her boat, and runs into the Wain family who live on a boat and have problems of their own.
What happens? see above. very long and complicated like an Elizabeth George novel.
How long was this? 388 pages
Did I like this? ok, well done, but way too long.
Overall grade: B- - good story, but too many sub plots, too many characters, too much soap opera. Not sure if I will read another one of these

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Eyes of Prey by John Sanford

Title: Eyes of Prey
Author: John Sanford
Did I listen or read?: library paperback
When did I finish?: July 2 2011 at 6157 Neddy
When was the book published: April 1991
Main Characters: Lucas Davenport. A lunatic doctor named Bekker. His sidekick killer named Druze deformed and abudding actor. Actress Cassie Layne who gets involved with Davenport. Danels. Del.
What happens? Throw momma from the train deal with Druze and Bekker, Bekkers wife and Druzes theater rival. Wife has a lover who stumbles on the murder. Beaker is haunted by the victims and has to cut their eyes. Hilarity ensues.
How long was this?454 paperback.
Did I like this? Pretty good. Can't really get in to Davenport. Very similar plot to the other Sandford I just read.
Overall grade: B
Post written on iPhone.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Live Wire by Harlan Coben

Title: Live Wire
Author: Harlan Coben
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: June 16, 2011
When was the book published: March 2011
Main Characters: Myron Bolitar, partner Little Pocohontas Esperenza, WIn the rich guy.
Kitty, former start tennis player married to his brother who he hasn't seen for 15 years, SuzeeZ another ex star tennis player, married to Lex who he also represents and is in the band HorsePower with Gabriel Wire. And his parents
What happens? SuzzeT comes to him pregnant - someone has posted on her facebook page that Lex is not the father. Myron investigates. Mobsters are involved and the past with his brother Brian who he fought with 15 years ago is dragged up.
How long was this? 370 pages
Did I like this? It was OK, not great, good story, Coben is a good writer, but the Bolitar thing is not as good as his standalone novels. You have a wisecracking, self deprecating tough guy investigating and his mysterious, very powerful friend at his side through thick and thin, and you have Spenser and Hawk, right? Or you could go with Elvis Cole and his buddy Joe. So this is not original...but still entertaining.
Overall grade: B-

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Fifth Witness by Michael Connelly

Title: The Fifth Witness
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 11, 2011
When was the book published: April 2011
Main Characters: Lincoln Lawyer Mickie Haller, investigator Cisco, office mgr Lorna Taylor, new assistant Jennifer (Bullocks) - protagonist Lisa Trammel, prosecutor Andrea Freeman, ex-wife Maggie McFierce McPherson in the prosecutor's office
What happens? Lisa is accused of murdering a bank exec. She is Haller's client in foreclosure, which is the focus of his business recently. The exec is found dead in a parking lot and she claims her innocence. Lisa has been running a group for foreclosure rights; the bank is using a foreclosure mill that has mob ties.
How long was this? 421 pages
Did I like this? Top notch. Michael Connelly is great, excellent story, great characters, lots of plot twists. The trial stretches on and there is no smoking gun, but it is a winner all the way.
Overall grade: A-

Monday, May 30, 2011

Worth Dying For by Lee Child

Title: Worth Dying For
Author: Lee Child
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: May 30, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Reacher, the Duncans in a small Nebraska town
What happens? Reacher gets dropped off in a small town in Nebraska, overhears a drunk doctor refusing to help a woman with a nosebleed, gets involved in a loony town where the Duncans control everything and everyone (except for the cops in this case) through their shipping company, which they are definitely using for illegal purposes. He gets to the bottom of what they are up to, and the truth about the disappearance of an 8 year old girl 25 years ago.
How long was this? 400 pages.
Did I like this? Great Reacher - read it in two days
Overall grade: A-, a little obvious about what was going on, but great reading.

Storm Prey by John Sandford

Title: Storm Prey
Author: John Sandford
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 27, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Lucas Davenport, some kinda detective, his wife Weather, a doctor, two siamese twin babies, two dumb criminals, Joe and Lucas Mack, their girlfriend Honey Bee, Lucas's buddies Virgil and some other guy
What happens? 4 guys conspire with a drug addicted doctor in the middle of winter in Minnesota to break into a hospital pharmacy and steal the good stuff. One of the attendants tries to make a cell phone 911 call, and one of the burglars kicks him and he dies. Weather is driving in to the hospital as they are leaving and sees them. Very similar to Spenser and Hawk with protecting Weather and solving the crime with the sort-of cooperation of the police.
How long was this? 404 pages
Did I like this? Yes, it was darn good. The guy writes a good story, and it was a page turner. I think I should go back to the beginning of the "Prey" series, as I don't know the recurring characters very well. It was set in Minnesota, but what are you gonna do?
Overall grade: A-

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Sentry by Robert Crais

Title: The Sentry
Author: Robert Crais
Did I listen or read?: Read the library book
When did I finish?: May 21, 2011
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Joe Pike is the main man, Elvis Cole has his bit. A really bad guy named Daniel. A woman named Dru Rayne, who is not named Dru Rayne. Assorted cops and others.
What happens? Joe Pike, a la Jack Reacher, happens to interrupt some trouble, and decides he has to kick ass especially since he falls for the lovely Dru Rayne, who is helping a guy supposedly running a New Orleans style sandwich shop in LA. A tangled plot ensues with gang warfare and cartels from Columbia and Mexico. Joe stays with it and kicks ass.
How long was this? 304 pages
Did I like this? Damn straight, Robert Crais writes a great page turner, and Joe Pike is very Reacher-like, with just enough Elvis Cole for some humor.
Overall grade: A

Bossypants by Tina Fey

Title: Bossypants
Author: Tina Fey
Did I listen or read?: Listened to the book
When did I finish?: May 16, 2011
When was the book published: 2011, I think
Main Characters: TIna Fey and her family and Alec Baldwin
What happens? She tells a lot of funny stories.
How long was this? About 5 hours long
Did I like this? Some funny stuff, and a bunch of stuff that women would like. At one point, about putting in contact lenses, she says, "For women, this is as painful as a pelvic exam. For men, it's as painful as putting in a contact lens, and thanks for buying this book."
Overall grade: B-, not painful but whatever

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Dead Detective by William Heffernan

Title: The Dead Detective
Author: WIlliam Heffernan
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 13, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Harry Santos Doyle, his murdering mother Lucy Santos, Darlene Beckett, the teenage molester and sex addict, Pete Rourke, his boss, partner Vicki Stanopolis and young cop Jim Morgan
What happens? Harry's mom tries to kill him (when he is 10) and his brother so they can visit Heaven; only Harry survives. He is a cop now, with a special skill at listening to the murder victims. Someone has killed Darlene Roberts, and the suspects range from cop Nick to son of the pastor Bobby Joe Wade to father of the molested boy Joe Hall.
How long was this? 319 pages
Did I like this? Very good book, great story, interesting characters. He has written 15 others, I should definitely try them - I liked his style.
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich

Title: Sizzling Sixteen
Author: Janet Evanovich
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: April 29, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: The usual crew, Stephanie Plum, Morelli, Lula, Ranger, Grandma Plum, Uncle Vinnie and Connie from the bail bond office
What happens? Uncle VInnie gets kidnapped because he owes beaucoup bucks from gambling, and Stephanie, Lula and Connie decide to raise the ransom or find him because otherwise they would have to find real jobs. The usual Ranger/Morelli tension ensues, and the 3 women take unbelievable (really) risks to get him back. Warring gangs and a shell company who has bought the Bail Bonds business to commit fraud add variety.
How long was this? 307 pages
Did I like this? It was OK. I read it in 4 days, and enjoyed it overall, but either she is bored and just mailing it in, or I am bored with the usual plot and twists, so it didn't really catch me the way the older books in the series did.
Overall grade: B-

A Hard Death by Jonathan Hayes

Title: A Hard Death
Author: Jonathan Hayes
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: April 22, 2011
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Edward Jenner, the pathologist / coroner banished to Florida after the events in NY of Precious Blood.
What happens? Jenner goes to Florida to cover for a friend (coroner in Douglas County) who is going on vacation. His first case turns out to be his friend and friend's wife who turn up dead, as he stumbles into a thicket of drug trade and trafficking and murder.
How long was this? 416 pages
Did I like this? It was pretty good. I would probably read Precious Blood, except he gave away some of the key elements. But it is well written, moves fast, was generally believable. The closing "war" scene was a bit unbelievable, not my favorite, but still a page turner.
Overall grade: B+

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Void Moon by Michael Connelly

Title: Void Moon
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: April 17, 2011
When was the book published: 2000
Main Characters: Cassie Black, a well trained thief. Jack Karch, a talented but murderously psychopathic private-eye enforcer for Vegas casinos.
What happens? We join Cassie as she is on parole after doing several years in jail. She has a job selling Porsches and is ultimately drawn back to the life she used to lead. She and her boyfriend would every expertly steal from high rollers at casinos until he died on a job. The plot twists and turns, as Jack Karch jumps into the action in the middle and the pace picks up and it gradually turns into a page turner. The first third is a bit slow as we work through Cassie's struggles to accept the straight life or to give in and go for the big heist.
How long was this? 390 pages
Did I like this? Not at the beginning, but once he spools the plot out, I couldn't put it down.
Overall grade: B+

Struck by Living: From Depression to Hope by Julie Hersh

Title: Struck by Living
Author: Julie Hersh
Did I listen or read?: Read an autographed paperback.
When did I finish?: April 11, 2011
When was the book published: 2009 I think. It doesn't say in the book.
Main Characters: Julie and Ken Hersh
What happens? My dear old friend Julie gets sucked into the whirlpool of depressions, and tries suicide 3 times. She gets ECT (electric shock therapy) and it works and the gets her life back. An amazing story, well written, and very compelling reading.
How long was this? 230 pages
Did I like this? Very much. It was very hard to read about someone I know going through this spiraling of her life out of control, but it was great reading.
Overall grade: A+ of course.

Rogue Island by Bruce DeSilva

Title: Rogue Island
Author: Bruce DeSilva
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: April 4, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Liam Mulligan, newspaper guy, Polecki and Roselli, two incompetent arson investigators, his girlfriend, Veronica Tang, Dominic Zerilli, neighborhood bookie, Rosie Morelli, fire captain and friend of Mulligan
What happens? Set in Providence, Rhode Island, someone is setting fire to houses and people are dying. Polecki and Roselli are investigating but lost, and Mulligan steps in because that's what he does.
How long was this? 302 pages
Did I like this? Yes, this was an excellent read, creative, different, realistic about the state of the newspaper business. Excitling, Unpredictable. Lots of good rhode Island mob and crooked politicians.
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Place of Hiding by Elizabeth George

Title: A Place of Hiding
Author: Elizabeth George
Did I listen or read?: Read a paperback
When did I finish?: March 25, 2011
When was the book published: 2003
Main Characters: Cherokee and China River, Deborah and Simon St. James (regulars) with a brief appearance by Thomas Lynley, Guy Brouard, the wealthy benefactor of the island of Guernsey
What happens? Guy Brouard, in the midst of building a museum for the island of Guernsey dedicated to WWII memorabilia left on the English Channel island by the Nazis, is murdered. Deborah St. James old friend (China Rivers) is arrested and Cherokee enlists here and Simon to help. Lots of twists and turns on the island with all kinds of characters who wanted Brouard's money or were having sex with him or both. His sister Ruth is dying of cancer and trying to sort this all out.
How long was this? 750 pages1
Did I like this? Good story, way too long. A good one from George, but she makes them long!
Overall grade: B

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blood Work by Michael Connelly

Title: Blood Work
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: Read the library work
When did I finish?: March 3, 2011
When was the book published: 1998
Main Characters: Terry McAleb, former FBI agent, his neighbor in the next boar, Buddy Lockridge, Graciela Rivers and her nephew Raymond (Glory's son), Jaye Winston as a reasonable cop who works with him
What happens? Glory Torres is senselessly murdered, and her heart turns up in Terry's chest. He's an ex-FBI agent living on a boat while he recovers from the heart transplant. Gracelia (Glory's sister) figures out the connection and puts him to work to figure out what happened. The plot soars and dips, but catches you by surprise in the end.
How long was this? 390 pages
Did I like this? This is an early Michael Connelly, and overall it was very enjoyable. It was a bit slow through the first third, but the plot and the relationships take off, and the twists are way too complex to figure out. Definitely a solid mystery by a solid writer.
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Painted Ladies by Robert Parker

Title: Painted Ladies
Author: Robert Parker
Did I listen or read?: Got the book via library hold
When did I finish?: February 23, 2011
When was the book published: 2010 - the last book the Parker wrote, I believe. The copyright notice says: "The Robert Parker Estate"
Main Characters: Spenser, Susan. No Hawk. Lots of Belson, Quirk and Healy. Ashton Prince, expert in low country paintings. Pearl and a dog from NY called Otto.Winifred and Missy Minor. The Hertzberg Foundation to recover stolen works of art from WWII.
What happens? Spenser is hired to protect Ashton Prince who is handing over a ransom to get Lady with a Fish or something like that back. He gets the painting back and it explodes and kills him. Spenser decides that he failed, and has to find out what happened so that he can have a clean conscience. He and Susan talk and screw, screw and talk.
How long was this? 290 pages
Did I like this? Darn tootin. Parker writes a great story. I read this in 2.5 days. Doesn't hurt when Pearl gets a boyfriend! Time to go back and make sure I have read EVERY Spenser novel.
Overall grade: A

Monday, February 14, 2011

Long Lost by Harlan Coben

Title: Long Lost
Author: Harlan Coben
Did I listen or read?: Read the paperback
When did I finish?: Feb 13, 2011
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Myron Bolitar, his friend Win, long lost girllove Terese Cousins, a charming French detective/intelligence guy
What happens? Myron gets a call from Terese, 8 years lost, calling him to Paris. She needs help, but doesn't say why. His current lady friend dumps him and off he goes. Terese's ex-husband has reached out to her - he's a famous investigative reporter who has stumbled onto some kind of terrorist thing, and he is dead, and she needs help. And she had a kid who got killed in an auto accident that was her fault, and...
How long was this? maybe 300 pages
Did I like this? Hey-it's Harlan Coben, so you better believe it is a page turner. Not his best work, and Myron's friend Win is a little hard to take. But overall, yeah, it's good stuff with plenty of action. The opening fight over the mean coach who picks on Myron's girlfriend's kid is - well, he could have done better.
Overall grade: B+

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Lion by Nelson Demille

Title: The Lion
Author: Nelson Demille
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: early February 2011 while traveling for business on my first FrontRange trip in Europe
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: John Corey as the wisecracking former NYPD detective, his wife, Asad Khalil is the super evil, revenge seeking Lion, trained by Boris the former Russian KGB agent.
What happens? Khalil returns to the US to murder Corey and everyone else associated with a bombing attack that killed his family. His effort is supported by Al Qaeda, who has him on a separate mission of terror. Khalil gets Kate during a recreational sky diving adventure.
How long was this? about 400 pages
Did I like this? You can't go wrong with Nelson DeMille. Reading this after Scott Turow and before Harlan Coben means I am getting used to great writing one after the other, and I love it. The plot drags a bit as Corey waits and waits and waits for the Lion to make his move. He mixes Corey's entertaining narrative with Khalil's viewpoint told perfectly from his viewpoint.
Overall grade: A-. A real page turner, but it does go a bit too long in the "when will he finally attack" phase.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Swimming Pool by Holly LeCraw

Title: The Swimming Pool
Author: Holly LeCraw
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: January 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Marcella Atkinson is married to Anthony but falls in love with Cecil McClatchey, whose wife turns up murdered mysteriously. Years later, Cecil's son connects Jed connects with her while helping his sister Callie struggle with post partum depression.
What happens? Not a lot, and it goes on and on. She does write well, but the ongoing depression and angst of the characters sucks the life out of the book.
How long was this? 307 pages, way too long
Did I like this? This promises mystery and suspense but just drags on forever.
Overall grade: C-

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Innocent by Scott Turow

Title: Innocent
Author: Scott Turow
Did I listen or read?: Read the library book
When did I finish?: January 3, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Rusty Sabich, the judge, Tommy Molto, The D.A. Rusty's son, Nat, and his legal clerk, Anna, play a major role.
What happens? The action jumps back and forth over an 18 month period between the death of Sabich's wife and the trial of Rusty for the murder, with lots of other events in the middle. This is a sequel to "Presumed Innocent" and is completely impossible to put down. Turow's writing just works for me - I find out who the characters are without being beaten over the head, and the viewpoints (first person for Rusty, Nat and Anna - third person for Molto) is just amazing. I wish every book was this good.
How long was this? 404 pages
Did I like this? Absolutely. I love everything this guy writes; this was among the best.
Overall grade: A+

Cut, Paste, Kill by Marshall Karp

Title: Cut, Paste, Kill
Author: Marshall Karp
Did I listen or read?: Library Book
When did I finish?: Jan 5, 2011
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Mike Lomax and Terry Biggs, LA wise cracking detectives
What happens? A killer creates scrapbooks of heinous people who deserve to die and then kills them. Lomax and Biggs are led on a wild goose chase tracking them down, involving a lady in prison and an FBI agent, and a bizarre ending.
How long was this? 294 pages
Did I like this? It was OK. They are occasionally amusing, but always trying to be funny and sometimes it amuses, other times just annoys. The plot was fairly well done and I would read one of these again, but am not rushing out to find more.
Overall grade: C+