Friday, December 26, 2014

Me Before You by JoJo Moyes

Title: Me Before You
Author: JoJo Moyes
Did I listen or read?: Nook eBook
When did I finish?: December 24, 2014
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Will, the quadraplegic, Ms. Clark, who takes care of him, her sister Treena, his mother and father, the assistant guy who helps him
What happens?  Ms. Clark loses her job at the bakery and takes a well paying job being friend to Will, a wealthy successful man who has a C5/C6 spinal injury.  She takes the job and puts up with his ornery nature, and then finds a very disturbing secret.  SPOILER ALERT that he has decided to end his life - and she has six months to change his mind.
How long was this?  330 pages
Did I like this? Sensational, Moyes' characters always hit home for me, and this story is gut wrenching.  I couldn't put it down - and a got a bird's eye view into the mind and life of a quadraplegic.
Overall grade: A

Black Echo by Michael Connelly

Title: Black Echo
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: bought it used at the outdoor book store in Ojai
When did I finish?: December 4, 2014
When was the book published: 1992
Main Characters: First Harry Bosch novel, Black Ice is next
What happens? Harry is randomly assigned a murder, and it turns out that it is a guy he knows from Vietnam, where they were both tunnel rats.  His friend has become a thief since he returned and gotten mixed up with a gang robbing safe deposit boxes by tunneling under the LA streets following the maze of tunnels to blast into banks.
How long was this? 300 pages
Did I like this? Excellent story, great Connelly from the beginning to the end
Overall grade: A

Innovators by Walter Isaacsen

Title:  Innovators
Author: Walter Isaacsen
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: November, 2014
When was the book published:  2014
Main Characters: historical
What happens? A great vision of the creation of microprocessors, mobile devices and the internet, with emphasis on the people that drove the creation, and the process that got them there.  A combination of fortuitous circumstances and the interaction of others, being in the right place at the right time along with the right mix of people.
How long was this? 470 pages I think
Did I like this? well done
Overall grade: A-

Drawing Conclusions by Donna Leon

Title:  Drawing Conclusions
Author: Donna Leon
Did I listen or read?: audio book from library
When did I finish?: October 2014
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Commissario Guido Brunetti, his assistant, Inspector Vianello, and by Signorina Elletra
What happens? An old woman is found dead in her apartment, apparently of a heart attack.  But Brunetti suspects foul play and keeps at it until he discovers the truth.  She is involved in protecting woman running away from abusive relationships, and works at a nursing home talking to the elderly.
How long was this?  12 hours
Did I like this? Not great, long rambling
Overall grade: C+

Sunday, October 19, 2014

One Plus One by Jojo Moyes

Title:  One Plus One
Author: JoJo Moyes
Did I listen or read?: Nook book
When did I finish?: 10/12/14
When was the book published:
Main Characters:  Jess, mom in poverty, Ed, about to get jailed for insider trading, daughter Costanza (Tannie) and step son
What happens? Very similar to Little Miss Sunshine, Tannie is a math genius and Mom gets Ed to drive them all to Scotland for the math olympics
How long was this? about 350 pages
Did I like this? More great stuff from Jojo, even with the similar plot.  Wonderful writing, characters and story.  I they would just stop saying, "Maths."
Overall grade: A

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Girl You Left Behind by Jo Jo Moyes

Title: The Girl You Left Behind
Author: Jo Jo Moyes
Did I listen or read?: nook book
When did I finish?: Sep 30, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Sophie Lefevre, husband Edouard, the Kommandant in 1916 -  Liv Halston, who owns the painting in modern London, her accidental boyfriend who happens to be an stolen art recoverer
What happens? Sophie bravely works in her hometown in France, occupied by Germans, running a hotel/bar/restaurant.  Liv's life is falling apart since the sudden death of her husband, and the painting becomes an obsession for her.
How long was this?
Did I like this? Very good story.  Great characters, very exciting
Overall grade: A-

Sheltering Rain by Jo Jo Moyes

Title: Sheltering Rain
Author: Jo Jo Moyes
Did I listen or read?: nook book
When did I finish?: Sep 26, 2014
When was the book published: 2002
Main Characters: Kate, mother of Sabine, daughter of Joy
What happens? Kate's life is screwed up, she sends teenage daughter Sabine to Ireland to summer with her estranged mother Joy on a horse ranch.  Flashbacks to Joy's meeting her husband, whirlwind romance in Hong Kong.
How long was this?
Did I like this? Really well written, good soap opera story.  Very enjoyable.  The teenager's thought process is captured perfectly.
Overall grade: A-

Don't Ever Look Back by Daniel Freidman

Title: Don't Ever Look Back
Author: Daniel Freidman
Did I listen or read?: audio book from library
When did I finish?: 9/26/2014
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Buck Schatz, 88 year old retired detective, Elijah long time nemesis bank robber
What happens? Buck defies his wife and gets involved with Elijah who claims he wants to surrender for protection, and flashes back to 1965 when Elijah robbed the biggest bank in Memphis in the middle of race riots due to a labor strike.
How long was this? 8 hours
Did I like this? Pretty good.  Buck is really annoying, but after a while I got used to his cantankerous rambling and the plot was pretty good.
Overall grade: B

Personal by Lee Child

Title: Personal
Author: Lee Child
Did I listen or read?: nook book
When did I finish?: Sep 24, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Reacher
What happens? Reacher works as an international spy to figure out why a super assassin has fired a bullet 700 yards and hit a bullet proof shield protecting the french president, but didn't follow with another shot.
How long was this?
Did I like this? Reacher rules.  Maybe not his best stuff, but read it three days anyways.
Overall grade: B+

Sunday, September 14, 2014

And When She was Bad by Laura Lippman

Title: And When She was Bad
Author: Laura Lippman
Did I listen or read?: audiobook from library
When did I finish?: Sep 5, 2014
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Heloise nee Helen, ex boyfriend in prison Val, nanny / business partner Aubrey, son Scott, first boyfriend Billy, cop friend Tom
What happens? (Spoiler alert) Helen grows up abused by her father, raised by her single mother, turns into a hooker, goes to work for Val, witnesses him committing murder, and starts her own service.  A brilliant plot goes back to her beginning, while telling the story of increasing complications in her current life.  Fantastic plot twists to the end.
How long was this? 8 hours I think
Did I like this? Got better and better as it progressed, hard to sit through the abuse scenes in the early part of the movie, spectacular ending
Overall grade: A

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Jack of Spies by David Downing

Title: Jack of Spies
Author: David Downing
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Sep 6, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Jack McColl, auto salesman turned spy, his boss Cummings, brother Jed, co-worker Mac, girlfriend Caitlin Hanley, german spy von Schon, Caitlin's brother, Colm, Irishman Tierney, American Brady
What happens? In the days leading up to World War I, McColl travels the world with Mac and Jed selling a fancy luxury auto.  Cummings gradually lures him into full time spy work, and he goes from China to San Francisco to Mexico spying on the Irish and Germans as they plot against the British.
How long was this?  338 pages
Did I like this? top notch spy thriller with romance.  
Overall grade: A-

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Ophelia Cut by John Lescroart

Title: The Ophelia Cut
Author: John Lescroart
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 8/28/14
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Dismas Hardy, Glitsky, Treya, Moses McGuire who runs the bar, his wife, Rick Jessup, Moses' daughter Brittany, Gina Roake
What happens? Brittany has one date with Rick Jessup, who is a prototypical psychopath political mover and shaker, working for Liam Goodman, city councilman.  He drugs her and date rapes her, and turns up dead, after Moses beat the crap out of him for injuring Brittany.  His shillelagh is missing and the wound on Jessup's head has the same shape, and Moses is clearly the most likely suspect.
How long was this? 418 pages
Did I like this? This is a really great thriller, very well written, impossible to tell what is going to happen next, lots of long term implications for the characters.  A wonderful page turner of a story, very believable with characters that you care about.
Overall grade: A

Andrew's Brain by E.L.Doctorow

Title: Andrew's Brain
Author: E.L. Doctorow
Did I listen or read?: library borrowed audio book
When did I finish?: 8/25/14
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Andrew, late wife Bree, 1st wife Martha, Doctor, RumBum
What happens? A painful long winded monologue of a man's troubled life talking to his shrink and relating how he accidentally killed his first daughter, and remarried a girl who died running back into 9-11, leaving him with the baby who he gave to his first wife.  And then he winds up as a special advisor to the Bush administration.  Seriously.
How long was this? 3 hours 20 minutes
Did I like this? Not one bit.
Overall grade: D+

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Misery Loves Company by Rene Gutteridge

Title: Misery Loves Company
Author: Rene Gutteridge
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: August 16, 2014
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Patrick Reagan, author, Jason and Jules Belleno, Chris Downey
What happens? Jules is dealing with the murder of her cop husband Jason by being a recluse and blogging.  Her father the Lt. Col. is drinking himself numb.  Jules criticizes Reagan in her blog, and he kidnaps her and takes her to his secret mountain retreat.  Jason's murder and Reagan's obsession with Jules come together.
How long was this? 345 pages
Did I like this? pretty good in parts, very exciting at the end.  surprising twist of the author including her faith in Our Heavenly Father as a key element in the story.
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Keeper of Lost Causes by Jossi Adler Olson

Title: The Keeper of Lost Causes
Author: Jossi Adler Olson
Did I listen or read?: audiobook
When did I finish?: July 27, 2014
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Merette Lyngaard, brother Uffe, Carl Morck, Asad
What happens? Carl is a Danish cop whose partner is murdered and other partner crippled in the line of duty.  He is pushed to aside to Dept Q where Asad is hired as his driver, and he takes on the 5 year old suicide of Merette, and comes to believe that it is not a suicide.  The author takes us back 5 years to where Merette is caring for Uffe, seriously injured in a car crash in their youth that killed their parents.  Merette is kidnapped and locked in a room for years...
How long was this? 14 hours
Did I like this? Not at the beginning, but it got good, and they made a movie out of it!
Overall grade: B+

The Edge of the Water by Elizabeth George

Title: The Edge of the Water
Author: Elizabeth George
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: July 31, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Nera the black seal, Derric the boy from Uganda, Becca King, her archenemy Jenn McDaniels, Annie Taylor who comes to town to study Nera
What happens? An offbeat and unusual story about a small town, Whidby Island, near Seattle where a mysterious seal comes to visit every year, and the town has started a festival.  There is some mystery about why the seal comes back, and a sunken boat, and an oil spill.
How long was this? 440 pages
Did I like this? Different and offbeat, but enjoyable.  Strange stuff.
Overall grade: B+

The Heist by Daniel Silva

Title:  The Heist
Author: Daniel Silva
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Aug 9, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Gabriel Allon, wife Chiara, Uzi Navot, Abe Shamron, Julian Isherwood, General Cesare Ferrari (with one eye,) Jack Bradshaw, Jihan Nawaz, raised in Hama in 1982
What happens? Some guy asks Isherwood to finish a deal with Bradshaw, and he finds him dead in his Italian villa.  A stolen Caravaggio is in play, and Daniel is taken from his work restoring a church in Venice while waiting for Chiara to deliver twins by blackmail, as they threaten to throw Isherwood in jail unless he works for them.  He winds up recruiting Jihan to act against the evil Syrian who is her boss in an Austrian bank.
How long was this? 472 pages
Did I like this? good, familiar characters, interesting story, a few twists and turns, but not incredibly riveting
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Keeper by John Lescroat

Title: The Keeper
Author: John Lescroat
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: July 19, 2014
When was the book published: May 2014
Main Characters: Abe Glitzky, Dismas Hardy, Wes Farrell, wife Tevya, Frannie Hardy, Hal Chase, Katie Chase, Ruth Chase, John Stoat, Foster and Cushing who run the jail, report Jeff Elliott
What happens? Hal Chase is an SF County jail guard, and is struggling in his marriage with his wife Katie.  Katie disappears and Hal is the most likely candidate, but there are bad things going on at the city jail that Hal has been a part of and told Katie about.  And Hal was having an affair.  And so was Katie, with someone who worked at the jail.
How long was this? 304 pages
Did I like this? good Lescroat, not incredible, but good story, fast paced, guessed wrong about whodunit
Overall grade: A-

Friday, July 11, 2014

Children of the Revolution by Peter Robinson

Title: Children of the Revolution

Author: Peter Robinson
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: July 11, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Alan Banks, boss Gervaise, Annie Cabbot, Winsome, Gerry Masterson, Gavin Miller, Kayleigh Vernon and Beth Gallagher, Lady Veronica Ronnie Chalmers
What happens? Gavin Miller is found dead near his cottage, thrown off a bridge with 5,000 squid in his pockets.  Banks investigates two threads - Miller got fired from his job at the university after Vernon and Gallagher falsely accuse him of sexual harassment, and Miller was at university in the early 70s with Lady Chalmers, who was then a Marxist, and he called her a few days before his death, and she lies about the reason.
How long was this? 336 pages
Did I like this? pretty good, getting used to Banks and his crew, will have to try some more
Overall grade: B+

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Baltimore Blues by Laura Lippman

Title: Baltimore Blues
Author: Laura Lippman
Did I listen or read?: Audible audio book
When did I finish?: July 2, 2014
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Tess Monaghan, Michael Abramowitz, murdered attorney, Rock the rowing guy, Irish law firm with three O's, Rock's fiance Ava
What happens? Rock hires Tess to follow Ava to find out why she is acting so weird.  She appears to be meeting Abramowitz at a hotel.  He turns up dead after she tells Rock what is going on.  Abramowitz has gone from famous TV lawyer to silent partner at the big 3 O law firm.  Tess investigates after being hired by Rock's lawyer not to investigate.
How long was this? 10 hours.
Did I like this? OK, not awful, but not a great plot.  Will try one more from her.  Not as good as her story about the woman's lives over 40 years, After I'm Gone.
Overall grade: B-

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Hard Stop by Chris Knopf

Title: Hard Stop
Author: Chris Knopf
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: June 28, 2014
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Sam Acquillo, vodka drinking detective and former biz exec, Amanda, girlfriend from the cabin next door, dog Eddie, lawyer Jackie, former boss George Donovan, Iku Kinjo
What happens? George hires Sam to find Iku, who he is having an affair with.  Sam finds her dead, and sets out to figure out what happened.  Set in eastern Long Island.
How long was this? 264 pages
Did I like this? Not much, didn't really like Sam, not horrible.
Overall grade: B- at best

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Deadline Man by John Talton

Title: Deadline Man
Author: John Talton
Did I listen or read?: listened - free from library
When did I finish?: June 24, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Deadline Man (name never given - business columnist,) Amber the FBI agent undercover, a bunch of girlfriends, missing girl Meghan, Troy Hardisty (rich guy)
What happens? In Seattle, DM looks into some corporate shenanigans, talks to Troy, Troy gets thrown off his rich guy balcony, and a bunch of people say 11/11.  The Seattle Free Press is going out of business and all the writers are getting laid off.
How long was this? 10 hours
Did I like this? Pretty weak overall, very unbelievable plot, hard to follow, and of course the James Bond of newspaper columnists with his single malt scotch and the bevy of ladies was too hard to take.
Overall grade: C-

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Play Dead by David Rosenfelt

Title: Play Dead
Author: David Rosenfelt
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 6/18/14
When was the book published:  2007
Main Characters: Andy Carpenter, dog Tara, other dog Reggie, partner Keith, cop friend Pete Stanton, computer whiz Sam Morris, Richard, falsely accused of murder, Karen, loyal sister, out-of-town girlfriend Laurie
What happens? Andy discovers a golden at the shelter where he volunteers, takes it in, and Karen finds him because it's Richard's dog, supposedly dead when he killed his wife on a boat and then tried to commit suicide.
How long was this? 310 pages
Did I like this? Wonderful, funny, entertaining, fast moving.  Delightful.  The plot behind the crime was a little hard to believe and tie in to the murder, and he never told us who was NOT at the funeral.  But great....
Overall grade: A-

Dead Silence by Randy Wayne White

Title: Dead Silence
Author: Randy Wayne White
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 6/12/14
When was the book published:  2009
Main Characters: Doc Ford, Sir James Montbard, the Tinman/Tenth Man, senator Barbara Hayes Sorrento, cuban bad guys Hump and Farfel
What happens?  Ford kills Bern Heller, who has done bad things, I guess, and then goes to meet Barbara for lunch, but she is nearly kidnapped, and instead they take a 14 year old boy, Will Chaser, who is with her because he won an essay writing contest, that he didn't actually write, he got his teacher to write by sleeping with her.  Seriously.
How long was this? 354 pages
Did I like this? A rambling confusing story with a bunch of characters that I didn't know or like.  If Will Chaser wasn't doing such a great job as the kidnapping victim, I think I would have stopped halfway.
Overall grade:  C-

Saturday, June 7, 2014

After I'm Gone by Laura Lippman

Title: After I'm Gone
Author: Laura Lippman
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 7, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Bambi and Felix Brewer, his mistress Juliet Romeo Saxony, daughters Rachel, Julie and Michelle, lawyer Bert and wife Lorraine
What happens? Shooting back and forth between the 50's, 60's 70's all the way to now, we follow the story of Felix, who runs numbers and has girls on the side, and who disappears with Bert's help so he doesn't have to go to jail.  Julie gets killed 10 years later, and retired copy Sandy from Cuba solves it.
How long was this? 334 pages
Did I like this? Different, more a character study than a mystery, but overall compelling and interesting.  A little hard to follow going back and forth, but I am slow that way.  A great way to learn the characters and follow their lives.
Overall grade: A-

Dead Anyway by Chris Knopf

Title: Dead Anyway
Author: Chris Knopf
Did I listen or read?: audiobook from library
When did I finish?: 6/2/14
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Arthur Cathcart and wife Florencia, sister Evelyn, new Japanese card dealer girlfriend, Three Sticks, Little Boy
What happens? Arthur and his wife are murdered by a hit man, but Arthur survives.  His sister the doctor arranges for him to be dead, and he takes up an assumed identity to solve the mystery.
How long was this? 8 hours
Did I like this? A really good mystery, started off a little weak, but once it gets going, very well done.
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Missing by Harlan Coben

Title: The Missing
Author: Harlan Coben
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 30, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Kat Donovan, NYPD cop, Stacy, her best friend, Chaz, her partner, Titus, the bad guy, Brandon Phelps, teen whose mother is missing, transvestite Angel, ex-fiancee Jack
What happens? Kat works on Brandon's mother's disappearance, the death of her father, and the mystery of why Jack left her 18 years ago without explanation.
How long was this? 399 pages
Did I like this? Very good, not great Coben.  Liked the characters, plot was a bit hard to follow/believe. The tie-in between the two major threads was a bit of a stretch.
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Stone Cold by C.J. Box

Title: Stone Cold
Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: May 24, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Joe Pickett, Nate Romanowski, April, Missy, Wolfgang Templeton, Critchfield and Smith, Game Warden Latta, Governor Rulon, Sheridan at school at the U of Wy, FBI agent Coon
What happens? Nate is doing assassination work for Wolfgang Templeton, who has holed up in the northwest corner of the state, the Black Hills of Wyoming.  Rulon asks Joe to go up there undercover to find out if Templeton is a bad guy (as an FBI guy got burned to death in a motel room.)  Joe works under FBI agent Coon's guidance to go figure it out.  The action happens quickly as Joe figures out the extent of the evil and corruption.
How long was this? 370 pages
Did I like this? Up to C.J. Box standard, fast paced, fun, witty, believable.
Overall grade: A

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Unwinding: An Inner History ot the new America by George Packer

Title: The Unwinding
Author: George Packer
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 15, 2014
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Jeff Connaughton, Sam Walton, Tracy Moore, the energy guy from the South
What happens? A story of how America has changed for the worse told from the perspective of multiple individuals, with the viewpoint of liberal and libertarian views widely represented.  The failure of the financial system and the deregulation of key stabilizing mechanisms leads the country to a significant decline in the quality of living for the middle class.
How long was this? 430 pages
Did I like this? A bit slow, but once you get hooked, an interesting tale.  I actually wish he would have drawn more conclusions to disagree with.
Overall grade: B+

Blue Heaven by C.J. Box

Title: Blue Heaven
Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: listened (library)
When did I finish?: May 10, 2014
When was the book published: 2007
Main Characters: Jess Rawlins, Annie and William Taylor, Monica Taylor, ex cops Singer, Newkirk, Gonzales, Tom the UPS guy, the banker, retired cop from Santa Anita
What happens? Annie and William go fishing and witness a murder. They get away and hide in Jess's barn, and Jess helps figure out what happened and why. The retired cop from Santa Anita comes in pursuit of money stolen during a big heist at the race track.
How long was this? 10 hours (about 350 pages)
Did I like this? top notch, C.J. Box is great.  Great characters, fast moving story.  The plot was a bit obvious.
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, May 3, 2014

South of Broad by Pat Conroy

Title: South of Broad
Author: Pat Conroy
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 3, 2014
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Leo Bloom, Dr. King (mother,) Trevor and Sheba Poe, Chad Rutledge and Molly Huger, Niles and Starla Whitehead (orphans) Ike and Betty Jefferson, Coach Jefferson, Monsignor Max, Leo's brother Steve and father
What happens? A tale of friends and life and change and tragedy and fate in Charleston South Carolina.  Leo (the Toad) experiences his brother's suicide, his mother's love, his father's death, and catalyzes friendship, love and marriage with his group of friends, moving between 1969 (his senior year in high school) and 1989 (when hurricane Hugo hits.)
How long was this? 512 pages
Did I like this? Sensational, a great story, wonderful characters, unpredictable plot, conflict, love.  I hated to finish the book and hated saying goodbye to these people.
Overall grade:  A++

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sycamore Row by John Grisham

Title: Sycamore Row
Author: John Grisham
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: April 20, 2014 in Santa Barbara (Jenny's graduation)
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: rich guy Seth Hubbard, lawyer Jake Brigance, his helper Letti
What happens? Seth is dying from cancer, mails Jake a handwritten will and instructions to cut his kids out of his 20+ million estate, and leave 90% to Letti.  Seth then hangs himself, and the legal battle ensues.  Jake's team of local alcoholic lawyers and defrocked ex-lawyers team up to find Seth's brother Ancil and find out the mystery of why he did this.
How long was this? 464 pages
Did I like this? great story, very different, very deep south, top notch, lots of great history and culture, good characters
Overall grade: A

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Black Water by T. Jefferson Parker

Title: Black Water
Author: T. Jefferson Parker
Did I listen or read?: audio book from the library
When did I finish?: April 12, 2014
When was the book published: 2002
Main Characters: cop Merci Rayborn, victim Gwen Rayburn, bullet in the head to cop Archie Rayburn, partner Paul Zamorra, son Tim, father Carl
What happens? Archie and Gwen are celebrating her 26th birthday in their million dollar house.  Someone wakes them with a rock through the window, shoots Archie in the head, murders Gwen, sets up Archie for the murder suicide.  Merci has a complicated past where she uncovered ages old police corruption, some still resent her.  She believes Archie is innocent.
How long was this? 416 pages (10 hours)
Did I like this? Good stuff, not his best, interesting story, great characters, some odd twists
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Final Account by Peter Robinson

Title: Final Account
Author: Peter Robinson
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: April 3, 2013
When was the book published: 1995
Main Characters: Inspector Banks, Keith Rothwell, murdered accountant, boss Gristhorpe, cop Susan Gay, Rothwell's daughter Alison, wife, lawyer Daniel Clegg, other woman Pamela Jeffreys
What happens? Rothwell is brutally murdered in his barn, head blown off, while his daughter and wife are tied up in the house.  The cops discover porn in the shotgun pellets, and Jeffreys comes forward identifying the dead man with a completely different identity.
How long was this? 306 pages
Did I like this? Pretty good, good enough to hold my attention.
Overall grade: B+

Skinner by Charles Huston

Title: Skinner
Author: Charles Huston
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: March 28, 2014
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Skinner, Jae, Cross, Terrence
What happens? Skinner is an assassin turned asset protector who went into hiding 7 years ago after they tried to take him out.  Terrence brings him back to protect Jae, female robot builder and uncoverer of conspiracies, to explore who is responsible for a cyber attack at a power plant where a few people were killed.  The real reason for their involvement becomes the uprising in an India slum (Dharavi.)
How long was this? 400 pages
Did I like this? Very good, will have to try this author again.
Overall grade: B+

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin

Title: Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter
Author: Tom Franklin
Did I listen or read?: free audiobook from the library
When did I finish?: 3/22/2014
When was the book published: don't know
Main Characters: Silas "32" - town constable, Larry Ott "Scary Larry," French the detective, Cindy the girl everyone thinks Larry killed years ago, Warren Stringfelter, Larry's friend
What happens? Silas is in charge, and finds the body of his old baseball buddy, and then a young girl goes missing.  Flashbacks reveal a tangled past between Larry (who has suffered for 25 years being falsely accused of killing Cindy) and Silas, all of this in small town Mississippi
How long was this? 10 hours
Did I like this? Very good story, a little confusing with the time shifting, surprisingly good
Overall grade: B+

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Gods of Guilt by Michael Connelly

Title:  The Gods of Guilt
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: March 20, 2014
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Michael Mickey the Lincoln Lawyer Haller, Gloria Dayton, fed Marco, Andre LaCosse digital pimp for high end hookers, ex wife and new husband make up his team, new member Jennifer Dayton as co-counsel
What happens?  Gloria Dayton reappears, dead, different identity, and LaCosse is framed for killing her.  Haller has to figure out what is really going on.
How long was this? about 300 pages (read LP edition 595 pages)
Did I like this? Another great work from Connelly, should make a movie out of this one.
Overall grade: A

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Just One Evil Act by Elizabeth George

Title: Just One Evil Act
Author: Elizabeth George
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: March 14, 2014
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Barbara Havers, Thomas Lyndley, Isabelle Ardrey, Taymullah and Hadayah Azhar, Barbara Upman, Lorenzo Mura, Salvatore Lo Bianco
What happens? Angela takes Hadayah and disappears, Barbara and Taymullah hire a private detective to find her.  They have gone to Italy to be with a man; then she is kidnapped.  Barbara bends the rules to help Taymullah.
How long was this? 719 pages
Did I like this? I really love these characters and found the story very compelling with twists and turns, wondering if this was the end of Barbara's career.
Overall grade: A-

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Identical by Scott Turow

Title:  Identical
Author: Scott Turow
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 3/5/14
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Paul Giannis and twin Cass Giannis, the Kronon family (Zeus is the leader), Evon Miller is head of security and Tim Brodie the retired cop looking to solve the mystery.
What happens?  Dita dies and Cass goes to jail, pleading guilty and serving 25 years.  Do twins have identical fingerprints and DNA?  What is going on here, and what happened 25 years ago.
How long was this?  371 pages
Did I like this? Turow is great.  Always read everything that he writes, just the best.
Overall grade: A

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Last Good Man by A.J. Kasinski

Title: The Last Good Man
Author: A.J. Kasinski
Did I listen or read?: audiobook from the library
When did I finish?: February 27, 2014
When was the book published: no idea
Main Characters: Nils Benson, copy, an Italian cop, Hannah Luft, math researcher
What happens? There are 36 good men, as designated in a Torah legend, who are doing good and keep the human race alive.  They are all dying, and as each dies, a tattoo appears on their back with their number in the sequence.  Nils and the Italian cop figure out what is going on and race frantically to prevent the final two murders in the sequence.
How long was this? 11 hours+
Did I like this? Actually better than I thought it would be.  Painfully long and hard to follow at first, but the plot and characters come into view in the second half, good plot twist.
Overall grade: B

Saturday, February 22, 2014

David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell

Title: David and Goliath
Author: Malcolm Gladwell
Did I listen or read?: library book, large type
When did I finish?: Feb 20, 2014
When was the book published: 2913
Main Characters: non-fiction
What happens?
Goliath loses despite having more power, more weapons.  Bigger and richer and stronger isn't necessarily better. People succeed (disproportionately so) despite having obstacles like dsylexia.  Londoners got used to the London bombing, and the "far misses" were stronger from overcoming the fear. Going to the best university isn't right for everyone - a real strong argument against affirmative action.  Raising kids can be harder when you are rich (income greater than 75,000 dollars.)  The inverses U curve fits into many situations - the task can be harder when you add too many resources - three strikes doesn't work (right side of the curve.) Authority comes from the perception of legitimacy, not from strength.  Decreasing class sizes works in some ranges, but not in others (too small or too big.) The Impressionists succeeded by giving up on the Salon (the powerful source of legitimacy) and creating their own. The History of Impressionaism  by John Rewald (MOMA, 1973) or THe Judgement of Paris by Ross King (Walker Publishing, 2006)
How long was this? 332 pages regular
Did I like this? Top notch
Overall grade: A

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wonderland by Ace Atkins channeling Robert Parker

Title:  Wonderland
Author: Ace Atkins, for Robert Parker
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: February 14, 2014
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Spenser, Susan, no Hawk, Henry Cimoli, "Z" Zebulon Sixkill
What happens? Spenser helps Henry who gets threatened as he hesitates in selling his beachfront condo in Revere.  A couple of Las Vegas types want to build gambling in Revere, one at Wonderland.  The mob gets involved, and the Weinbergs marriage and competition with Harvey Rose (former math genius turned gambling exec) and the young lady who leaves Rose and works with and sleeps with Weinberg turn this into a quality plot.
How long was this? 315 pages
Did I like this? Good stuff, very entertaining, seamless Spenser
Overall grade: B+

Night Film by Marisha Pessi

Title: Night Film
Author: Marisha Pessi
Did I listen or read?: hard cover book, gift from Jacob xmas 2013
When did I finish?: Feb 7, 2014
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Ashley Cordova, Stanislas Cordova, journalist Scott McGrath, two young sidekicks
What happens?  McGrath investigates Ashley's death, delving into the mysterious world of Cordova's films, and the estate where lived as a recluse building a film study.  Did he recreate his films in real life and torture his children?  Was his daughter haunted by black magic?
How long was this? 550 pages approx
Did I like this? Excellent book, very unique style, a real page turner
Overall grade: An A- because of the ending.  But a great book.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling)

Title: The Cuckoo's Calling
Author: Robert Galbraith (a.k.a. J.K. Rowling)
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Jan 24, 2014
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Cormoran Strike, ex military PI, Lula Landry, dead supermodel, Robin Ellacott, Strike's temp secretary, Lula's brother John Bristow, uncle Tony Landry, other family members, neighbors the Bestaguis
What happens? Lula is found dead after a fall from her apartment.  It is ruled suicide.  John Bristow hires Strike to find out what really happened.  Neighbor Bestagui heard arguing, but her story doesn't make sense.
How long was this? 455 pages
Did I like this? Top notch, hope she does a sequel
Overall grade: A-

The First Eagle by Tony Hillerman

Title: The First Eagle
Author: Tony Hillerman
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: January 18, 2014
When was the book published: 1998
Main Characters: Jim Chee, Joe Leaphorn, Cathy Pollard, biologist, a bunch of other scientific types taking fleas off prairie dogs
What happens? A man dies from the plague, but apparently a weaponized version.  Cathy Pollard disappears, and her grandmother hires retired Joe to find out what happened to her.
How long was this? 278 pages
Did I like this? Hillerman is great.  Wonderful to read such great writing.
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Snow White Must Die by Nele Neuhaus

Title: Snow White Must Die
Author: Nele Neuhaus
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Jan 13, 2014
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Pia Kirchhoff and Oliver von Bodenstein are the cops, Tobias Sartorius has just gotten out of jail after serving 10 years for the murder of two girls that he doesn't remember.  The whole town of Altenhain is involved, including actress Nadia von Bredow, and the Lauterbachs and the rich people, the Terlindens
What happens? Tobias gets out of jail, everyone hates him when he returns home, but not because of what he did, but because everyone is involved in some way in the cover up that twists through the entire twisted town.
How long was this? 374 pages
Did I like this? Not much.  Way too many villains, calamaties.  In one day, one guy commits suicide, someone sets fire to the barn, two people are assaulted and mugged.  etc.
Overall grade: C

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Snapper by Brian Kimberling

Title: Snapper
Author: Brian Kimberling
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 1/2/2014
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Nathan Lochmueller, bird watcher, his girl Lola
What happens? Life in the midwest, Indiana, the KKK.  A meandering tale that is a bit hard to follow at times through one man's interesting and not-so-interesting life as a birder and man.
How long was this? 210 pages
Did I like this? parts yes, parts no
Overall grade: C+