Monday, December 30, 2013

The English Girl by Daniel Silva

Title: The English Girl
Author: Daniel Silva
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: December 30, 2013
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Garbriel Allon, wife Chiara, Shamron the reitred head of Israeli's spies, Ari Navot, current head, Madeline Hart, kidnapped from a vacation cottage, lover of Jonathan Lancaster, prime minister.  Don Orsati, Corsican olive oil maker and mafia - hired killer guy.
What happens? Madeline goes missing, and Gabriel is called as a favor to Graham Seymour, incoming head of British intelligence under Lancaster.  Allon enlists Christopher Keller (who once tried to kill him) to help.
How long was this? 482 pages
Did I like this? Top notch spy thriller, perfect in so many ways, great characters, plot twists, people you care about, bad guys you love and hate
Overall grade: A

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Last Man by Vince Flynn

Title: The Last Man
Author: Vince Flynn
Did I listen or read?: paperback
When did I finish?: Nov 10, 2013
When was the book published:  2013
Main Characters: Mitch Rapp, spy, looks for super spy Joe Rickman who has been kidnapped.
What happens?  Middle Eastern spy twists and turns and double agents
How long was this? 485 pages
Did I like this? A good straight forward spy story that I could follow
Overall grade: A-

Screwed by Eoin Colfer

Title: Screwed
Author: Eion Colfer
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: December 21, 2013
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Dan McEvoy, club partner Jason, Irish Mike Madden, demented girlfriend Sofia Delano, buddy Dr. Zeb, Grandmother/trophy wife Edit, cop friend Roneen
What happens? A high paced stream of action - He spends hundreds of pages in constant danger and escapes in the most unlikely ways.  Mike Madden has some hold over him, tries to kill him, and then two cops take him and put him in a thong to torture him on line for money....seriously
How long was this?  300 pages
Did I like this? Darn entertaining as a writer, hard to follow at times, partly because the main character gets drugged and knocked out several times
Overall grade: B+

Downfall by Jeff Abbott

Title:  Downfall
Author: Jeff Abbott
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: December 14, 2013
When was the book published:  2013
Main Characters: Sam Capra, Diana and her mother the PR lady.
What happens? Sam is managing a bunch of bars as a front for a secret group of do-gooders, and Daina's mother is a a member of Belias's secret group of do-badders.  And, seriously, there is a another third super secret group of string pullers.  It just makes it too easy to write and too hard to read.  If he just stuck with a story, he's a pretty good writer...
How long was this? 453 pages
Did I like this? See above, too many top secret conspiracies and double agents.
Overall grade: C+

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Woman Who Lost Her Soul by Bob Shacochis

Title: The Woman Who Lost Her Sould
Author: Bob Shacochis
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Nov 22, 2013
When was the book published: 2013?
Main Characters: Eville Burnette, the woman (Jackie Scott and other names,) Tom Harrington - lawyer for freedom
What happens?  Sprawled across the globe from Croatia to Haiti to the Middle East, the story turns into a spy story.  Stepjan (a little boy in Croatia) becomes Steven (master spy) who wants revenge for the evil done in Croatia in WWII.  His daughter loses her soul along the way.
How long was this? 790 pages
Did I like this? some times yes, some times no.  Not great, but readable.
Overall grade: B-

Back to Blood by Tom Wolfe

Title: Back to Blood

Author: Tom Wolfe
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: December 6, 2013
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Nestor Camacho, young cuban cop, his ex-girl, Magdalena, porn shrink Dr Norman Lewis, reporter John Smith, a bunch of Russian art frauds
What happens? Miami's cuban / black racial tensions are the backdrop for a rambling story of crime, pride, gride.  Magdelana dumps Nestor to be with Dr. Lewis.  He saves a Cuban refugee from death with a heroic top-of-the-mast rescue, which makes him an enemy among his people.  He saves his racist partner from an assault in a crack house, but their adrenaline filled comments make them pariahs.  On it goes...
How long was this? 704 pages
Did I like this? Nothing sensational.  Some great parts, some routine
Overall grade: B-

Truth in Advertising by John Kenney

Title: Truth in Advertising
Author: John Kenney
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?:  Nov 29, 2013
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Ad guy Finbar Dolan, his co-workers and family
What happens? Fin is an ad guy with a midlife crisis, just walked out on his fiance weeks before the wedding, bored with his work, and struggling to get past very bad things from his childhood.  He works on a Super Bowl ad for diapers that imitates the Apple 1984 ad.
How long was this? 302 pages
Did I like this? Great writer, funny, moves fast. Main character is a bit difficult to be with and root for.  A good light read.
Overall grade: B+

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Never Go Back by Lee Child

Title:  Never Go Back
Author: Lee Child
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Nov 1, 2013
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Reacher, Susan Turner
What happens? Reacher gets to Virginia to his old command to see the voice on the phone, Susan Turner, who has taken his job.  When he gets there, he is informed that he is being accused of murder for beating a witness, Big Dog, 15 years ago.  He is told that he is being recalled into service to be tried, and also that he is being sued for paternity by a woman with a 15 year old daughter.  Susan Turner has been arrested for accepting a bribe.
How long was this? 398 pages
Did I like this? Not the best Reacher ever, the first half was better than the second half.  But I read it in 6 days, great stuff as always.
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Telegraph Avenue by Michael Chabon

Title: Telegraph Avenue
Author: Michael Chabon
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Oct 22, 2013 while on an SD SN full week trip
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Aviva and Nat Jaffe, Archy and Gwen Stallings.
What happens? Archy and Nat own Brokeland Records in 2004 on the Berkeley Oakland border, and Aviva and Gwen have a mid wife operation.  Many stories about family, culture, change, growth, zeppelins, race.
How long was this? 465 pages
Did I like this? Great stories but sometimes difficult to follow.  And every page has 2 - 5 words or metaphors that are a complete mystery.  But wonderful to read about the bay area.
Overall grade: A-/B+

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

Title: Sharp Objects
Author: Gillian Flynn
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Oct 4, 2013
When was the book published: 2006
Main Characters: Our main character is Camille, editor Frank Curry, Camille's mother Adora, stepfather Alan, step sister Amma, late sister Marian, police detective Richard Wright
What happens? Curry sends Camille back home to live with her mother and investigate the murder of two teenage girls strangled and found toothless in her hometown of Wind Gap.
How long was this? 254 pages
Did I like this? Not as great as gone girl, hard to read about the cutting and the bleeding, but very imaginative and suprising
Overall grade: B+

Vanishing Point by Marcia Muller

Title: Vanishing Point
Author: Marcia Muller
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Sep 27, 2013
When was the book published: 2006
Main Characters: One of the Sharon McCone mysteries, set in SF and all around California, central coast, her new husband, a whole bunch of people in her agency.
What happens? She investigates the 20 year old disappearance of Laurel Greenwood, hired by her daughter to find out what happened to her.  Her husband burned all of her paintings and forbid talk of her after she disappeared, and we find out why as the plot unfolds.
How long was this? 322 pages
Did I like this? OK, she throws 4,018 characters out in the first 10 pages, probably would be better to start earlier in the series, but once she gets the story rolling it is pretty interesting.  I will likely try another Sharon McCone.
Overall grade: B

Sherlock Holmes and the Hapsburg Tiara by Alan Vaneman and Simon Vance

Title: Sherlock Holmes and the Hapsburg Tiara
Author: Alan Vaneman and Simon Vance
Did I listen or read?: audio book, free from library
When did I finish?: Sep 25, 2013
When was the book published: don't know
Main Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, his adopted daughter Jenny, Winston Churchill, the Archduke guy from Vienna
What happens? Winston Churchill brings in Holmes to work a case, then sends him away immediately.  Holmes stays on the case and tracks down stolen diamonds and a diabolical murderer who is a member of the aristocracy, the Archduke dued.
How long was this? 9 hours
Did I like this? Ok in points, dragged on forever in points
Overall grade: C+

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Highway by C.J. Box

Title: The Highway
Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: library box
When did I finish?: Sep 20, 2013
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Cody Hoyt, new partner Cassie Dewell, psycho trucker Lizard King, state cop Legerski, Gracie and Danielle Sullivan, who were in the last Hoyt novel about Yellowstone, police chief Tubman
What happens? The Lizard King is regularly abducting torturing and murdering hookers who work the truck stops on the interstate.  Cassie is forced by Tubman to follow Cody and catch him planting evidence.  Danielle is driving Gracie for Thanksgiving at their father's place, but decides to detour to Helena to see Justin, Cody's son.  Hoyt goes to investigate when the girls go missing on the way.
How long was this?  382 pages
Did I like this? Box is a great writer.  This was a bit dark and violent and awful, but I zipped through it in 4 days, very exciting.
Overall grade: A-

Priest by Ken Bruen

Title: Priest
Author: Ken Bruen
Did I listen or read?: read a paperback from Sabine
When did I finish?: Sep 14, 2013
When was the book published:  2006
Main Characters: Jack Taylor, ex-cop, Ridge, lesbian ex-partner, bunch of priests and nuns, his late mother's priest, Malachy, lots of abused children
What happens? Father Joyce is decapitated, Taylor gets out of a mental institution, where he was because his best friends three year old girl fell out a window while he was watching her.  Ridge is threatened by a stalker, so Taylor gets it together and goes back to work, starts working with a young kid, Cody who wants to be a detective.  Malachy asks him to find out what happened to Father Joyce
How long was this? 290 pages
Did I like this? good but tough reading, not a pleasant subject.  Just a depressing Irish style dark novel
Overall grade: B

Sunday, September 8, 2013

With No One as Witness by Elizabeth George

Title:  With No One as Witness
Author: Elizabeth George
Did I listen or read?: library book, paperback
When did I finish?: Sep 6, 2013
When was the book published:  2005
Main Characters: Thomas Lynley, Barb Havers, Winston Nkata, Lynley's boss Malcolm Weatherby is injured, so he is acting Supe reporting to Hillier, Lynley's wife, Helen, friend Simon St. James
What happens? A serial killer is killing young men, mixed race, burning their hands.  They don't realize it is the same guy until the 4th or 5th one, bring concerns that the press will blow it up.  They seem to be related to Colussus house, which helps young troubled men in the Elephant and Castle district.  Haves is recently demoted and struggling to get her rank back.  Lynley's wife is pregnant and close to the end.
How long was this? 772 pages
Did I like this? Great story and great sub stories, great plot and characters.  I didn't set the pages on fire turning them, but as it went along, I was hooked.
Overall grade: A-

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Gamal by Ciaran Collins

Title: The Gamal
Author: Ciaran Collins
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Aug 22, 2013
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Charlie McCarthy is the voice of the book, the Gamal, and his friends, James and Sinead are the main players, with Dinky, Snookie and other locals.
What happens? Charlie tells the story in his own voice, recounting the romance of James and Sinead and the treachery of the jealous youth that rob them of a bright future.  He tells it in his own halting style, jumping back and forth and making a mixture of nonsensical and very lucid observations about human nature.
How long was this? 466 pages
Did I like this? This is a sensational story with a totally unique approach.  It requires patience to wade through the side turns and stories, but builds to an unforgettable climax.  Maybe just a little bit too long; I was begging to find out what happened and then how it happened.
Overall grade: A- (a genuine A-)

The Silver Swan by Benjamin Black

Title: The Silver Swan
Author: Benjamin Black
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 8/16/2013
When was the book published: 2008
Main Characters:Quirke, pathologist, and his friend Billy Hunt, whose wife just committed suicide, Phoebe his long denied daughter who was raised by his surrogate father who is paralyzed
What happens? Quirke is approached by Billy Hunt to ask a favor, to not do an autopsy after his wife's suicide.  He investigates and find sthat she was murdered, and a weird pseudo doctor named Kreutz and a lunatic named Leslie enter the picture.
How long was this? 290 pages
Did I like this? OK, good stuff, nothing great
Overall grade: B

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Broken Shore by Peter Temple

Title: The Broken Shore
Author: Peter Temple
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: Aug 8, 2013
When was the book published: 2005
Main Characters: Joe Cashin, detective, Kendall Rogers, temporary partner, Dove, aboriginal partner on this case, Charles Bourgoyne, Villain, Cashin's old boss
What happens? Cashin is temporarily assigned to a backwater, Cromarty, where Charles Bourgoyne turns up bashed, his watch missing, which leads to some Daunt (local ghetto) natives getting falsely accused and hunted.  Cashin stays with it to find out what really happened.
How long was this? 350 pages
Did I like this? Pretty good, a little hard to follow with the authentic Aussie dialogue, 2nd half much better once the plot picks up.
Overall grade: B

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Linchpin by Seth Godin

Title: Linchpin
Author: Seth Godin
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: August 3, 2013
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters:
What happens? Be a linchpin.  Don't be average - we don't work in a factory society anymore.  Be an artist who gives gifts through emotional connections, passion and honesty.  Don't let your "lizard brain" stop your "daemon" from doing its thing.  Become indispenable.
How long was this? 250 pages
Did I like this? really good message, not written the way I would like.  I need more stories, less lecture.  A bit repetitive.  But a critically important message for our times!
Overall grade: B

Sunday, July 28, 2013

School Days by Robert Parker

Title: School Days
Author: Robert Parker
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: July 24, 2013
When was the book published:  2005
Main Characters: Spenser, Susan is out of town, Rita Fiore, no Hawk.  Lily Elsworth, grandmother of Jared Clark. cop DiBella
What happens? Lily hires Spenser to find out what happened at a school shooting that Jared Clark confesses to participating in.  Pearl tags along.
How long was this? 294 pages
Did I like this? yes, Parker is consistently great.
Overall grade: A-

Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

Title: Dark Places
Author: Gillian Flynn
Did I listen or read?: listen, overdrive via library
When did I finish?: July 27, 2013
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Libby, Ben, Patty, Debby, Michelle Day - Tray and Deyondra, Runner, aunt Diane
What happens?  Libby is the only survivor when her mother and two sisters are brutally murdered in 1985.  Ben gets convicted, based on Libby's testimony.  Twenty five years later, Libby runs out of money and starts to deal with the aftermath and to find out - What really happened?
How long was this? 11 hours
Did I like this? Loved it, a bit brutal at points, but a great story with an amazing ending.  A little hard to root for the main character at times, but she comes around.
Overall grade: A-

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Breaking Point by C.J. Box

Title: Breaking Point
Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: July 16, 2013
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Joe Pickett, Butch Roberson, the EPA
What happens? Butch (father of a friend of Joe's daughter Haley) gets into trouble with the EPA.  Based on a true story about some bizarre government abuse of power, Joe winds up in an epic pursuit through Twelve Sleep mountains
How long was this? 367 pages
Did I like this? Excellent, top notch. C.J. Box is the man!
Overall grade: A

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Shrink Rap by Robert Parker

Title: Shrink Rap
Author: Robert Parker
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: July 7, 2013
When was the book published: 2002
Main Characters: Sunny Randall, ex-Richie, Melanie Joan Hall, ex shrink Dr. Melvin, LA agent Tony Galt is introduced
What happens? Sunny gets hired to protect Melanie Joan while she does a book tour.  Her buddy is terrorizing her.  Richie is getting involved with another woman for the first time, and Sunny wrestles with asking men for help, or solving the problem herself.
How long was this? paperback 340 pages
Did I like this? love Parker, unique story, getting to know Randall
Overall grade: A-

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Midnight Palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Title: The Midnight Palace
Author: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Jul 1, 2013
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: the boys and 1 girl of the orphanage who hang out at the Palace - Ben, Ian, Michael, Safir, Isobel, Roshan and 1 more.  Jawahal.  Sheere and her grandmother, Araymi Bose
What happens? A woman gives birth to twins but is murdered.  Their grandmother splits them up because the murderer is coming for them.  He comes back 16 years later when the boy (Ben) is "graduating" from the orphanage.  This all takes place in Calcutta in 1932.
How long was this?  298 pages
Did I like this? The guy is a great writer, and the characters are amazing, but it is a horror story full of conflagration and fire and I don't care.  It's not like Harry Potter, where the whole thing is made up, it's just surreal nonsense.
Overall grade:  C-

Suspect by Robert Crais

Title: Suspect
Author:  Robert Crais
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Jun 29, 2013
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: LAPD Cop Scott James, Maggie the German shepherd
What happens?  James is almost killed when his partner dies, caught in the crossfire after a traffic accident.  Maggie's keeper dies in an explosion in Afghanistan.  The two get together on the K9 force and solve the crime that happened that killed his partner.
How long was this?   309 pages
Did I like this?  A great story and the view of the dog's thinking and smelling capability was wonderful, along with her partnership with the cop.  The plot around the original accident and who did what was hard to follow and hard to care about.  But a page turner anyways, with main characters to root fo.
Overall grade: B+

Eventide by Kent Haruf

Title: Eventide
Author: Kent Haruf
Did I listen or read?:  library book
When did I finish?: 6/24/13
When was the book published: 2004
Main Characters: The McPheron brothers, Victoria Roubideaux, young boy taking care of his grandfather, lady next door whose husband went to Alaska and isn't coming back
What happens? Victoria goes off to college, meets a boyfriend, one of the brothers has a terrible accident on the farm.  Life goes on in Holt, Colorado.
How long was this?  299 pages
Did I like this?  Another great story, very compelling, touching.  More great writing
Overall grade: A-

Friday, June 21, 2013

Bad Things Happen by Harry Dolan

Title: Bad Things Happen
Author: Harry Dolan
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Jun 14, 2013
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: David Loogan, mysterious man, Tom Kristoll, publisher, Eizabeth Waishkey - cop, Laura, Tom's wife, a bunch of authors
What happens? David lives low key in Ann Arbor, starts writing, Tom discovers him, he starts sleeping with Laura, and people start dying.  First, Tom calls him to help with a dead body in his house, and David keeps investigating.
How long was this?  338 pages
Did I like this? Very good - first by this author.  Plot got a little complicated and hard to follow, but great to read about writers.
Overall grade: B+

Blue Screen by Robert Parker

Title: Blue Screen
Author: Robert Parker
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 20, 2013
When was the book published:  2006
Main Characters:  Sunny Randall, Jesse Stone, Erin Flint - warrior movie actress and athlete, Buddy Bollen, LA Cop Crojanger (who fired Jesse)
What happens? Buddy hires Sunny to protect Erin because she is going to become the first female MLB player.  Erin's personal assistant Misty turns up dead, and Sunny investigates to find out who Erin and Misty really are.  She and Jesse get to know each other.
How long was this? 300 pages approx
Did I like this? Darn good, love Parker, will read more Sunny...
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Glasgow Kiss by Alex Gray

Title:  Glasgow Kiss
Author: Alex Gray
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 1, 2013
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Maggie Lorimer, schoolteacher, DCI Bill Lorimer, Kyle Kerrigan, Julie Donaldson, Eric Chalmers - religious teacher, Mr Manson - school principal
What happens? Julie has a crush on Chalmers, accuses him of rape, and turns up dead.  Kyle (ex-boyfriend) is the last one she had contact with, an argument at a coffee shop.  Lorimer has to find the real killer while Maggie fights to prove his innocence.
How long was this? 401 pages
Did I like this? Good story, well written, a couple of holes (why go after the killer alone in the tunnel???)
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Drop of the Hard Stuff by Lawrence Block

Title: A Drop of the Hard Stuff
Author: Lawrence Block
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 23, 2013
When was the book published: May, 2011
Main Characters: Matthew Scudder, Jim Faber his sponsor, girlfriend Jan, Mick Ballou (present day friend), High Low Jack Ellery, Ellery's sponsor - Greg Stillman
What happens? Scudder tells Mick the story of his encounter years ago with Jack Ellery, childhood acquaintance who became a criminal, then a reformed alcoholic.  Jack does the 8th and 9th steps of apologizing for his past errors and gets shot twice in the head.  Greg hires Scudder to determine if his death was related to his confessions.
How long was this?  319 pages
Did I like this? More great Block writing.  Wish it wasn't a flashback to the past - can't he write a Scudder story in the present? - but other than that it was a page turner.
Overall grade: A-

The Racketeer by John Grisham

Title:  The Racketeer
Author: John Grisham
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 28, 2013
When was the book published: 2012 I think
Main Characters:  Malcolm Bannister, Judge Raymond Fawcett, Nathan Cooley 
What happens? Malcolm is doing 10 years for unknowlingly doing illegal real estate transactions for a mobster.  The Feds catch him in a sting.  He hatches a plot to get out by helping them find the killer of a federal judge.  The plot twists in amazing directions - no spoilers here.
How long was this? 352 pages
Did I like this? top notch, loved it.  Grisham isn't always great, but he nailed this one.
Overall grade:  352 pages

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Six Years by Harlan Coben

Title: Six Years
Author: Harlan Coben
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 21, 2013
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Professor Jacob Fisher, best friend Benedict, lost love Natalie, Todd Sanderson, mentor professor Hume, Mrs. Dinsmore, bad guys Otto and Bob aka Danny Zuker
What happens? Natalie dumps Jacob (six years ago), marries Todd, and says "promise to leave us alone."  Todd dies, and Jake sees his obituary, goes to the funeral, and Todd is married to Delia, not Natalie.  He can't keep his promise and investigates.
How long was this? 351 pages
Did I like this? read it in 3 days, great story by a great story teller.  I might have been able to see what was coming in the plot a bit., but I loved it anyways
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Plainsong by Kent Haruf

Title: Plainsong
Author: Kent Haruf
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 18, 2013
When was the book published: 1999
Main Characters: Tom Guthrie, sons Ike and Bobby, the McPheron brothers who have a farm, Victoria Robideaux, teenage girl, the Beckmans, Maggie Jones
What happens? Tom's a high school teacher, his wife has lost her mind and moved to Denver to live with her sister. Victoria gets pregnant and her mother throws her out of the house and she winds up living with the McPherons.
How long was this? 301 pages
Did I like this? Wonderful story, characters, very moving. Not much action or excitement, so why was I riveted to every page? Beautifully written
Overall grade A

Where You Once Belonged by Kent Haruf

Title: Where You Once Belonged
Author: Kent Haruf
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Kauai May 2013
When was the book published: 1990
Main Characters: narrator and newspaper owner Pat Arbuckle, Jack Burdette, high school hero turned bad guy, sherriff Bud Sealy, Burdette's wife Jessie and two boys
What happens? Burdette comes back to town 8 years after stealing money from the town's main business, the grain storage place.  Arbuckle tells the story of their lives from growing up and going to college with Burdette, and his long romance of Wanda Jo whom he abandons when he marries Jessie at a convention.
How long was this? 176 pages
Did I like this? The guy is an amazing writer, who tells a story and captures the language and character of the people of Holt Colorado.
Overall grade: A-

The Naming of the Dead by Ian Rankin

Title: The Naming of the Dead
Author: Ian Rankin
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Kauia May 2013 
When was the book published: 2006
Main Characters: Det John Rebus, partner Siobhan, boss MacCrae, Siobhan's parents Teddy and Eve, journalist Mairie, bad guy Gerry Cafferty
What happens? Summer of 2005 and a big G8 summit in Edinburgh.  Rebus is working the murder of Cyril Colliar who was one of Cafferty's muscle.  A G8 conference delegate falls (or jumps or is pushed) to his death at one of the hotels and Rebus gets suspended for trying to solve these and tie them all together, as he draws closer to retirement.  London bombings occur during all of this; Siobhan's mother gets clocked in the head during the G8 protests.
How long was this? 564 pages
Did I like this? Rankin is a top notch writer.  In the tradition of great British thrillers, full of political tension and thoroughly believeable.
Overall grade: A-

The Judas Judge by Michael McGarrity

Title: The Judas Judge
Author: Michael McGarrity
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Kauai May 2013
When was the book published: July, 2000
Main Characters: Deputy State Polic chief Kevin Kearny, wife Sara Brannon, ex lawyer/judge Vernon Langsford, his dysfunctional family, Kay Murray and Penelope Gibbens
What happens? Someone goes on a killing spree, with Vernon killed along the way, but shot twice, giving away that he was the real target.  Kearny has to untangle to mess
How long was this? 270 pages
Did I like this? OK, not great, would try him again. Plot and characters reasonably good, but not compelling
Overall grade: B-

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Tie That Binds by Kent Haruf

Title:  The Tie That Binds
Author: Kent Haruf
Did I listen or read?: Library Book
When did I finish?: May 1, 2013
When was the book published: 1984
Main Characters: Sanders Roscoe, Edith and Lyman Goodnough ("good - no",) Sheriff Bud Sealy, Roy and Ada Goodnough, Sander's wife Mavis
What happens? The story of generations in a small town in the plains.  Sanders and his father live near evil Roy and his two kids in Holt.  They grow up, their paths cross, tragedy befalls them.  A saga that covers 80+ years.
How long was this? 246 pages
Did I like this? An exceptionally well written saga, a page turner, with characters vividly drawn with their tragedies and fates drawn exquisitely.
Overall grade: A

Hit Me by Lawrence Block

Title: Hit Me
Author: Lawrence Block
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 1, 2013
When was the book published: Feb 2013
Main Characters: Keller (aka Nicholas Edwards), his wife and daughter, Dot
What happens? Keller's house renovation business is slow, and his stamp collecting obsessive but not profitable, so he takes on some jobs for Dot in New York (a high ranking monk in a monastery) and on a cruise ship (a mobster under federal protection) and finally a contract for a kid who is a stamp collector.
How long was this?  337 pages
Did I like this? Block's writing is phenomenal and easy to read, funny, with great dialogue.  The plot is not really riveting, and the stamp collecting detail becomes a distraction.  I would read anything that Block writes - he is that entertaining.
Overall grade: B

Friday, April 26, 2013

Back of Beyond by C.J. Box

Title: Back of Beyond
Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: library audiobook
When did I finish?: April 22, 2013
When was the book published: Aug, 2011
Main Characters: Cody Hoyt, alcoholic detective, partner Larry, Hank Winters (sponsor,) sun Justin, Bull Mitchell, retired trail guide, Sullivan and 2 daughters, Gracie and Danielle, Jed Peterson, trail guide, assistant Dakota
What happens?  Cody has moved to detective in Montana, and his sponsor is murdered in a cabin which is torched, making it look like he drank and killed himself.  Cody and Larry figure out that there is a string of similar murders around the country.  All evidence leads them to a guided trip out into Yellowstone, and Cody's son is on the trip, with his soon-to-be stepfather.
How long was this? About 10 hours
Did I like this? Yes this was a great story.  The viewpoints of Jed, Dakota, Gracie are all mixed in, great writing, dialogue, characters.  Box makes his lead characters very human and not one-sided, which can be difficult.
Overall grade: A-

Friday, April 19, 2013

Fallen Angel by Daniel Silva

Title: Fallen Angel
Author: Daniel Silva
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: April 18, 2013
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Gabrial Allon, wife Chiara, Uzi Navot, Avi Shamron, Eli Lavon (archaelogist friend), the Pope,  Luigi Donati (pope's secty,) Carlo Marchese, Massoud Rahimi
What happens? Claudia Andreatti is found dead, a possible suicide, in a chapel in Vatican City.  Gabriel is asked by the pope's secty to investigate.  Claudia is researching the provenance of antiquities owned by the church, and her murder exposes illegal trade in antiquities that leads to middle Eastern terrorists.
How long was this?  399 pages
Did I like this? Good story.  A bit overblown in dramatics, and the level of detail about Jerusalem (and Vatican) history was educational, but not always interesting.  Well done, though.
Overall grade: B+

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Black Box by Michael Connelly

Title: The Black Box
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: April 5, 2013
When was the book published: Nov, 2012
Main Characters: Harry Bosch, partner David Chu, new boss O'Toole, victim of shooting during the LA riots Annika Jesperson, a troop of truck drivers from the National Guard, Harry's girlfriend Marilyn
What happens? Harry is on the scene when Annika is murdered during the rodney king riots.  Her case is unsolved 20 years later and Harry gets it again.  Harry has to deal with O'Toole trying to run him off the force for visiting Marilyn's son in prison while investing the murder.
How long was this? 403 pages
Did I like this? Not Connelly's best, but a compelling story that I finished in 5 days.
Overall grade: B+

Calico Joe by John Grisham

Title: Calico Joe
Author: John Grisham
Did I listen or read?: audible book
When did I finish?: April 9, 2013 on my ipod
When was the book published: don't know
Main Characters: Narrator Paul Tracey, his father - Mets pitcher Warren Tracey, Joe Castle - Calico Joe, Clarence Rook, editor of the paper where Joe lives.
What happens? Joe Castle joins the Cubs in 73 and has the greatest start of any rookie ever.  Warren is a mediocre pitcher with a bad temper and their paths are destined to cross, and it destroys them both.
How long was this? 4.5 hours
Did I like this? Great story, well written and performed.  Back and forth between 2003 and 1973, telling the story.  Great characters.
Overall grade: A-

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Panther by Nelson DeMille

Title: The Panther
Author: Nelson DeMille
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: April 2, 2013
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: John Corey, wife Kate Mayfield, boss Tom Walsh, in yemen:  Chet Morgan, CIA, Buck (Buckminster Harris), bad guy Bulus ibn al-Darwish, aka al Numair, aka the Panther.  his helper, Nabeel.   Paul Brenner, station chief in Sa'ana, Howard Fensterman, legal attache.
What happens? The Panther is a murdering psycho terrorist holed up in Yemen, and the CIA hatches a plot to have Corey go over there and be bait to lure him out, while pretending to research the sinking of the Cole in the harbor in Yemen.  Corey and Kate agree, while he suspects that they are not being truthful with him, and that the Operation Clean Sweep includes killing him and Kate because they killed CIA agent Ryan (previous book) and know about a CIA plot to nuke the middle east.

How long was this? 629 pages
Did I like this? I read it in 5 days, great plot, moves fast.  Corey's continuous jokes and wisecracks make it move fast.  The plot seems kind of linear and inevitable, but is well done and exciting.  I am a bit sick of reading about Arab terrorists, but this book really goes into who they are, how they work.
Overall grade: A-

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Little Bets - How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries by Peter Sims

Title: Little Bets
Author: Peter Sims
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: March 28, 2013
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: My daughter Jenny pointed me toward this book.  It is a great presentation of how taking lots of small steps is much better than trying to plan a giant perfect step.  You have to learn how to accept failure.  You have to learn how to be playful to be creative.  You have to look for Problems, and recognize that Questions are the new answers.  You have to learn from a lot, be inquisitive, get lots of viewpoints, take in all kinds of opinions.  You have to learn to listen to the experts (the early adopters, the evangelists) as well.  You have to look for small wins.  People who view setbacks as learning can succeed with this approach.  Praise people not for their intelligence but for their hard work, and they will be much more open to grow and explore. 
What happens?  Most writers are used to writing a really bad first draft.  Just write it and get it out of the way.  Constraints are necessary for creativity (i.e. the architect.)
How long was this? 150 pages plus resources
Did I like this? Top notch, the stories did not always match or were a bit too obvious.  Really recommended for my college student kids.
Overall grade: A-

Further Readings and Resources
Daniel Coyle - The Talent Code
Carol Dweck -  Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Leander Kahney - Inside Steve's Brain
Daniel Pink - A Whole New Mind
David Price - The Pixar Touch
TED - Ken Robinson Says Schools Kill Creativity
TED - Elizabeth Gilbert - creative process
Henry Chesborough - Open Innovation
Clayton Christensen - The Innovator's Dilemna
Jim Collins - How the Mighty Fall
Jim Collins and Jerry Porras - Built to Last
Peter Drucker - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Jeffry Liker - The Toyota Way
Everett ROgers - Diffusion of Innovation
Keith Sawyer - Group Genius
Robert Sternberg - Handbook of Creativity
Eric von Hippel - The Sources of Innovation
David Bayles and Ted Orland - Art + Fear
Mihaly Csikzentmilhalyi - Creativity
Edward de Bono - Lateral Thinking
John Maeda - The Laws of Simplicity
Patricia Stokes - Creativity from Constraint
James Webb Young - A Technique for Producing Ideas
Tim Brown - Change by Design
Tom Kelley - The Art of Innovation (IDEO)
Roger Martin - The Design of Business
Bill Moggridge - Designing Interactions
Adam Richardson - Innovation X
Scott Belsky - Making Ideas Happen
Jason Fried and David Heinemeir Hansson - Rework
Greg Gianforte and Marcus Gibson - Bosstrappping your Business
Muhammad Yunas and Alan Jolis - Banker to the Poor
Frans Johansson - The Medici Effect
A.G. Lafley and Ram Charam - The Game-Changer
Riat McGrath and Ian MacMillan - Discovery-Driven Growth
Joshua Cooper - The Age of the Unthinkable
Peter Senge - The Fifth Element
Nassim Taleb - The Black Swan
Stefan Thomke - Experimentation Matters
Michael Tushman and Charles O'Reilly - Winning Through Innovation
Carl von Clausewitz - On War
Twitter feeds
@brainpicker, @conanobrien,@frogdesign,gruber,harvardbiz
ideo,nntale, orenjacob

The Rage by Gene Kerrigan

Title:  The Rage
Author: Gene Kerrigan
Did I listen or read?: softcover, donated by Sabine
When did I finish?: March 20, 2013
When was the book published: 1998 (2011 edition)
Main Characters:  Sergeant Bob Tidey, good samaritan Maura Coady, bad guy Vincent Naylor, his brother, Noel, partners-in-crime Kevin Broe and Liam Delayney, his partner Rose Cheney, criminal boss Mickey Kavanagh
What happens? Maura notices a car being left as a getaway car, and Vincent's brother gets nailed in the cross fire, and Vincent goes into The Rage to avenge him.  The crime is pretty well planned - Vincent gets all the security detail from an armored car guy, kidnaps a different guy, and they steal 3 or 4 drops before they quit.  
How long was this? 293 pages
Did I like this? OK, interesting look at Ireland, characters were interesting, plot was not great
Overall grade: B

Running the Books by Avi Steinberg

Title:  Running the Books
Author: Avi Steinberg
Did I listen or read?: softcover, purchased by Mom from Amazon, first read by Paul
When did I finish?: March 10, 2013 ??
When was the book published:  2010
Main Characters: Avi Steinberg, prison librarian
What happens? young harvard grad (formerly orthodox jew) has no direction to his life, so he takes a job as the prison librarian.  He tells the tale of his many adventures there, where both men and women are housed, where "kites" are letters stored inside the library for others to read.  He has trouble with the guards, and with the prisoners, and tells his story.
How long was this? 398 pages
Did I like this? Pretty good, rambles a bit, but a fascinating look at a place where a book (or a floppy disk) can be made into a weapon.
Overall grade: B+