Saturday, December 19, 2015

X by Sue Grafton

Title: X
Author: Sue Grafton
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: December 8, 2018 while staying at 339 1/2 North Orange Grove Avenue in Los Angeles
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Kinsey Milhone
What happens? Kinsey is invited by a woman to find her lost son-given-up-for-adoption, which is totally misleading and draws her into a criminal plot.  She also helps her landlord deal with bizarre new neighbors, and works an old case that Pete, a former PI that she didn't like, was working a case to expose a deranged Ned Lowe.
How long was this? 403 pages
Did I like this? I did, Wendy didn't care for it but I was pulled in.
Overall grade: A-

Blackwater Sound by James W. Hall

Title:  Blackwater Sound
Author: James T. Hall
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: December 2 in Los Angeles at 339 1/2 North Orange Grove Drive
When was the book published: 2002
Main Characters:
What happens? A family loses its brilliant son in a bizarre fishing accident, but uses his inventions to get rich, including designing a device that can bring down a jetliner.
How long was this? 339 pages
Did I like this? a little hard to believe but good stuff, might want to try him again
Overall grade: A-

The Devil Wins by Reed Farrel Coleman

Title: The Devil Win
Author: Reed Farrel Coleman
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Nov 19, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Jesse Stone, some bad people in his town
What happens? An old case from twenty years ago re-emerges when three bodies are found.  Two are girls who were abducted and murdered twenty years ago, and the third is a member of the bad guys who they executed. 
How long was this? 352 pages
Did I like this? Yeah, he does a pretty good Robert Parker
Overall grade: B+

The One That Got Away by Simon Wood

Title:  The One That Got Away
Author: Simon Wood
Did I listen or read?: Library book?
When did I finish?: Nov 12, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters:
What happens? Serial killer goes after two girls, one gets away, years later, they both wind up living in SF and she sees TV coverage of his latest victim, appears at the scene, and on TV.
How long was this? 295 pages
Did I like this? pretty good, all around, no weaknesses
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Tumbledown by Robert Boswell

Title: Tumbledown
Author: Robert Boswell
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: October 27, 2015 in Austin
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: James Candler, counselor, Elizabeth Ray, who stalks him, fiance Libby, sister Violet.  best friend Billy, patients Mick Coury, Vex, pretty Karly
What happens? Candler is a counselor for psychologically troubled teens, engaged to marry Libby, Violet's May-September husband dies.  Candler is up for promotion to lead the center where he works when he is forced to look at his life and make choices
How long was this? 429 pages
Did I like this? Good in some places, too long in others.  A very real like at schizophrenia and other sad mysteries of the brain, well done but hard to read.
Overall grade: B

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Jezebel Remedy by Martin Clark

Title:  The Jezebel Remedy
Author: Martin Clark
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: October 17, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Joe and Lisa Stone, country lawyers, Seth Garrison, evil business man, Lettie Van Sandt - crazy character with animals overrunning her trailer home
What happens?  Joe is working with Lettie on a steady of stream of nonsensical suits, and she turns up dead, and her son Neal comes in and Joe relinquishes all rights to her estate.  Except that she has a very valuable invention and Garrison's evil Benecorp wants it.  A really interesting one of a kind plot.
How long was this? 382 pages
Did I like this?  Really good writer, very unique story
Overall grade: A-

Hell's Gate by Stephen Frey

Title: Hell's Gate
Author: Stephen Frey
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: October 4, 2015
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Hunter Lee, his brother, firefighter Paul brule
What happens? Hunter's marriage and Manhattan lawyer life are falling apart as he wins a huge victory against a regional railroad who knowingly tried to cover an accident on side tracking by claiming it had been changed to main tracking.  He winds up in the middle of Montana trying to solve the fire mystery where someone is setting forest fires to bring in more revenue.  Is it the guy who flies the firefighters?  The person who makes money selling the firefighters food?  Or one of the other cast?  I can't remember.
How long was this? 326 pages
Did I like this?  It was OK, just a little forced and not wholly believable.
Overall grade: B

Savage Season by Joe Lansdale

Title: Savage Season
Author: Joe Lansdale
Did I listen or read?: Nook
When did I finish?: September 28, 2015
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Hap, Leonard, Trudy - Hap's old girlfriend
What happens? Trudy reappears and introduces Hap to a scheme with her current boyfriend Howard to raise an old boat from a nearby swamp that has a bunch of cash.  
How long was this? 160 pages
Did I like this? Not as incredible as Paradise Sky, but he definitely creates great characters and wrote a unique story with a great plot.
Overall grade: A-

Charm City by Laura Lippman

Title: Charm City
Author: Laura Lippman
Did I listen or read?: Nook book
When did I finish?: September 22, 2015
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Tess Monaghan
What happens? "When someone at the Beacon-Light leaks an unfavorable story about the millionaire planning on bringing an NBA team to Baltimore, Tess Monaghan is hired to figure how who spilled the beans. At the same time, she's trying to figure out who put her uncle in the hospital and if it has anything to do with the greyhound in her possession.
How long was this? 
Did I like this? Good, entertaining, not great
Overall grade:B

Monday, September 7, 2015

Palace of Treason by Jason Matthews

Title: Palace of Treason
Author: Jason Matthews
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: September 7, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Dominika Egorova, Nate Nash, bosses Gable and , Russians Zarubina (Wash CSO) and Dominika's boss Zygurova
What happens? Dominika is undercover in Russia, getting close to Putin and the Iranians are getting the ability to farm nuclear grade material and a US top spy becomes traitor TRITON and MARBLE is killed during a swap for Dominika and...
How long was this? 410 pages
Did I like this? The second half was a bit better, the main style is to be excruciatingly accurate about the details of being a spy.  Once the action got going it was OK.
Overall grade: C

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Freedom's Child by Jax Miller

Title:  Freedom's Child
Author: Jax Miller
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Aug 31, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Freedom Oliver, kids Mason and Rebekkah, Mark (dead ex-husband,) Matthew, Peter - brothers and sons of 600 pound Lynn Delaney,Officer Mattley, Reverend Virgil Paul and the Third Day Adventists
What happens? Freedom is in witness protection because Matthew went to prison for the murder of Mark.  Her kids are taken away and adopted by insane preacher Virgil Paul.
How long was this? 310 pages
Did I like this? Not really, too apocalyptical.  The style of writing made it very hard to follow; you are always waiting for her to fill in what the hell she is talking about.  Clever, new, different, creative, I might even try her again, but too much like Dr. No.
Overall grade: C

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Radiant Angel by Nelson DeMille

Title: Radiant Angel
Author: Nelson DeMille
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: August 20, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: John Corey, new sidekick Beth, Russians Vasily (Vaseline) Petrov, Gorky, nuclear scientist
What happens?  Corey is doing his routine survelliance of Petrov as he works in Diplomat Survelliance (DSG.)  Petrov is planning to do major damage to Manhattan and Corey has to prevent him while fighting the CIA, FBI, etc.
How long was this? 308 pages
Did I like this? DeMille and Corey are great partners.  The story moves fast, it's entertaining.  Maybe predictable - the usual fight against authority.
Overall grade: A-

Among Thieves by John Clarkson

Title: Among Thieves
Author: John Clarkson
Did I listen or read?: Library Book
When did I finish?: August 18, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: James Beck and his crew Manny, Demarco, a new guy Reese, computer guy Alex, Russian bad guy Markov, henchman Stepanovich, Russian ancient mobster Kolenko
What happens? Manny's sister Olivia comes to him because she was forced out of her job at a high pressure investment firm after being assaulted by the firm's top gun, Crane.  She wants her life back, but doesn't want Manny to kill the guy.  Beck investigates and finds out what is really going on.
How long was this? 418 pages
Did I like this? Pretty good, exciting story, constant action.  Beck is like Reacher, but every fight he gets in is devastating, so it gets kind of wearing.  Good writer, though, and the character angle of having honorable thieves is worth it.
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Whites by Richard Price writing as Harry Brandt

Title: The Whites
Author: Richard Price writing as Harry Brandt
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?:  August 12, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Billy Graves, cop, wife Carmen, Wild Geese ex-cops Whelan (landlord,) Redman (funeral home) Yasmeen (private security) and Pavlicek
What happens? The "whites" of the WGs - the people that got away that they each have been obsessed with - start disappearing.  At the same time, a cop, Milton Ramons, targets Graves and his family for unknown reasons.
How long was this? 333 pages
Did I like this? Good story, writing style a little hard to follow, too cool and modern for me to figure out what he was saying, but a good story for 3 dimensional characters
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sleepyhead by Mark Billingham

Title: Sleepyhead
Author: Stephen King
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: August 6, 2015
When was the book published: 2001
Main Characters: Detective Inspector Tom Thorne, Alison Willetts trapped in her body, Dr. Anne, Jerermy and James Bishop
What happens? a serial killer is trying to put women into a locked-in state, and trying to get to DI Thorne.  Tom falls for Dr. Anne, who is treating Allison, and is convinced that Jeremy Bishop is the killer.
How long was this? 310 pages
Did I like this? It was pretty good, entertaining, a little unpredictable, a little predictable.
Overall grade: B

11/22/63 by Stephen King

Title: 11/22/63
Author: Stephen King
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: August 2, 2015
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Jake Epping who becomes George Amberson, Al Templeton the store keeper with the gateway to 1959, Harry Dunning whose father murdered his family many years ago.
What happens?  Jake gets connected with Al, who is dying from cancer, and introduces him to a doorway to 1959, where the story resets and the same things happen over and over, with the intention of having him stop the assasination of JFK.
How long was this? 849 pages
Did I like this? sensational, amazing, believable, romantic.  I didn't love the "near ending" but it was great to read while on the flight to NYC for an SMD reunion.
Overall grade: A-

Paradise Sky by Joe R. Lansdale

Title: Paradise Sky
Author: Joe R. Lansdale
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: July 28, 2015
When was the book published: June, 2015
Main Characters: Willie, who becomes Nat Love, Wild Bill Hickok, Ruggert
What happens?  Willie is walking into town, and Ruggert sees him looking at his wife.  Ruggert begins a lifelong quest to kill Willie, who is taken in by Loving, who teaches him to ride and shoot, and he has an adventerous life in the Old West.
How long was this? 400 pages
Did I like this? Great writer, humorous style, can't wait to read more of his work
Overall grade: A

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Enemy Inside by Steve Martini

Title:  The Enemy Inside
Author: Steve Martini
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: July 18, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Paul Madriani, Harry Hinds, investigator Herman, Alex Ives, reporter in trouble, Olinda Serna, Senator Grimes, the Eagle
What happens? Madriani and Hinds take the case of the young reporter who survived a crash into Serna's car that he was not concious for.  The fact the he was investigating her for bribery leads them into international intrigue, hired killers, a trip to Lucerne, etc.
How long was this? 373 pages
Did I like this? It was OK.  The political commentary about the fall of the US and the corruption were annoying, but Madriani is a character to root for.
Overall grade: B

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Rock with Wings by Anne Hillerman

Title:  Rock with Wings
Author: Anne Hillerman
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: July 6, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Jim Chee, Bernie Manuelito, the legendary lieutenant Joe Leaphorn
What happens?  Jim and Bernie get separated on different cases - he is working a movie site, where the guard gets killed and a mysterious grave appears and then bones appear in it.  Bernie has to deal with solar development gone wrong, and a mysterious car fire and a reticent old man and his grandson.
How long was this?  329 pages
Did I like this? Pretty good, good job of recapturing the great Hillerman characters, the plot was kinda all over the place and hard to believe it all tied together.
Overall grade: B+

Finders Keepers by Stephen King

Title: Finders Keepers
Author: Stephen King
Did I listen or read?: Nook book
When did I finish?: July 10, 2015
When was the book published: no idea
Main Characters: Pete Stoubers, sister Tina, parents, Morris the criminal lunatic, author John Rothstein, the "detectives" Jerome, Holly and the ex-cop
What happens? Morris kills Rothstein in 1978 because he doesn't like what he did with his character, and then geta arrested for an unrelated rape.  Pete's family moves into Morris's old house and he discovers the money and books that were stolen.  Morris gets parole, and it all comes together at the Rec Center
How long was this?  338 pages
Did I like this? superb story, finished it in 4 days.
Overall grade A

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Voyager by Diana Gabaldon

Title: Voyager
Author: Diana Gabaldon
Did I listen or read?: audible book
When did I finish?: July 4, 2015
When was the book published:  1996?
Main Characters: Claire, daughter Bryanna, Roger McKenzie, Jamie, Fergus, Mr. Willoughby,
What happens? SPOILER ALERT - This starts in 1968 after Frank is dean, and where Claire figures out that Jamie is still alive in Edinburgh, working as printer A Malcolm.  She discovers that he had been married to Lira, the girl who tried to kill her.  They have Ian try to swim to recover treasure to pay off Lira, and he is kidnapped, and off they go to Jamaica.  They end up in Georgia.
How long was this? 33 hours
Did I like this? A little hard to believe that all these people that they know all wind up in Jamaica (or nearby together.)  But still a great story to commute with
Overall grade: A-

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Obsessions by Marshall Cook

Title: Obsessions
Author: Marshall Cook
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 30, 2015
When was the book published: 2008
Main Characters: Mo Quinn, husband Doug Prescott, lafferty the copy, Elzie and his special needs brother Lloyd, Roberta the cashier, egotistical author Fletcher Downs
What happens? Doug give Mo a present of a couple weeks at a writer's retreat in the backwoods of Wisconsin. Fletcher Downs is the big name author to attract people.  Doug and Mo get to know the little town, and then someone turns up dead.
How long was this? 302 pages
Did I like this? not so much.  mildly entertaining, not much of a plot, lots of interesting people, nothing to really make you think, "what's going to happen next? Who dunnit?"
Overall grade: C

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Angel's Flight by Michael Connelly

Title:  Angel's Flight
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: library book, paperback
When did I finish?: June 25, 2015
When was the book published: 1999
Main Characters:  Harry Bosch, wife of one year Eleanor Wish, Chastain - his enemy, former partner Frankie Sheehan, Irwin Irving, Howard Elias
What happens?  Elias is a lawyer famous for suing cops, and he winds up dead on the Angel's Flight rail car.  Irving puts Bosch in the middle of finding the killer, and doesn't really want him to find out.  The city gets ready to burn as the cops take the blame.
How long was this? 460 pages
Did I like this?  bosch is the best, gotta read em all
Overall grade: A-

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Three Weeks to Say Goodbye by C.J.Box

Title: Three Weeks to Say Goodbye
Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 12, 2015
When was the book published: 2008
Main Characters: Jack and Melissa McGuane, daughter Angelina, friends Cody the cop and Brian the gay social climber politically connected guy, the Judge and his evil son
What happens? Jack and Melissa find out that the judge wants his granddaughter back.  Jack and Melissa fight back and find out the truth about him.
How long was this? 340 pages
Did I like this? pretty good, a very good writer, a real page turner, but the plot and the evil was a bit hard to believe
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Into A Raging Blaze

Title:  Into a Raging Blaze
Author: Andreas Norman
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 5, 2015
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters:  Carina Dymek, Bente Jensen
What happens?  Carina words in swedish public service, makes an impassioned speech at a Brussels conference, and a man gives her a report about a secret plan to form an EU spy agency.  She passes it to a couple of peers and her boyfriend (who is from Egypt.)  The idea is that the spy world treats her as a criminal without any justification - there is no foundation for there actions, but they ruin her life.
How long was this? 470 pages
Did I like this? It's an interesting idea, where the supposed terrorist link is just invented by the Brits to support their own interests.  The author stretches it out over nearly 500 pages, and, because there really is no terrorist threat, there really isn't much action.  
Overall grade: C+

Nine Dragons by Michael Connelly

Title:  Nine Dragons
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 10, 2015
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters:  Harry Bosch, ex wife Eleanor, daughter Madeline, boss Gandle, partner Ferras, John Li
What happens? Li is killed in his liquor store, appears to be for not paying the triad, and Harry's daughter is kidnapped and he goes to Hong Kong to get her back, with help from Sun Yee, Elearnor's boyfriend.  SPOILER - this book is the end for Eleanor.  
How long was this? 374 pages
Did I like this?  This was fantastic.  His best work, Bosch is a fascinating and complex character.
Overall grade: A

Monday, May 25, 2015

Force of Nature by C.J. Box

Title: Force of Nature
Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 25, 2015
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Nate Romanowski, Joe and Marybeth Pickett, Nemecek
What happens? Nemecek comes from Nate, from his "Mark V" days in special ops, and eliminates everyone in his way to keep their secret a secret.  Joe wrestles with Sheriff Mclanahan and protects his family as Nemecek leaves a trail of death through Saddlestring and in the Utah mountains.
How long was this? 385 pages
Did I like this? Incredibly good, read it in 3 days, loved the Nate angle.  How did I miss a CJ Box release in 2012?  Great writer, great characters, incredible story.  Could have lived without the terrorist angle, but he made it work.
Overall grade: A

Accused by Lisa Scottoline

Title: Accused
Author: Lisa Scottoline
Did I listen or read?: book
When did I finish?: May 21, 2015
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Bennie Rosato's law firm, Mary Dinunzio, her parents, best fried Judy, Allegra Gardner, Lonnie Stall.
What happens?  Mary is named partner, and Allegra comes in and insists that Lonnie Stall did not kill her sister 6 years go.  Mary gets major opposition from the wealthy Gardner family but takes the case on as she struggles with her commitment to her fiance Anthony. 
How long was this? 372 pages
Did I like this? Very Janet-Evanovich like.  Humorous family and 3 guys named Tony.  Great story with lots of laughs and a good plot, hard to tell who the good guys are.  Will have to read more Rosato series stories.
Overall grade: A-

Don't Go by Lisa Scottoline

Title:  Don't Go
Author: Lisa Scottoline
Did I listen or read?: book
When did I finish?: May 18, 2015
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Dr. Mike Scanlan, Chloe, Bob and Chloe's sister Danielle
What happens? Dr. Mike is serving in Afghanistan and his wife dies from a bizarre household accident - it's an accident but someone is there who could have saved her, but doesn't.  He reenlists and leaves Bob and Danielle in charge of his daughter.  He gets blown up by an IED and comes home with only one arm.
How long was this? 400 pages
Did I like this? Good story, good characters, good mystery.
Overall grade: B+

There's a Hair in My Dirt by Gary Larson

Title: There's a Hair in My Dirt
Author: Gary Larson
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 21, 2015
When was the book published: no idea
Main Characters: buncha worms, crazy nature lady
What happens? Worm complains about his dinner, father tells him a weird story about how humans screw up when they interfere with nature
How long was this? 50 pages
Did I like this? Wasn't great, some amusement, too didactic
Overall grade: C+

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Black Ice by Michael Connelly

Title: The Black Ice
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: May 2, 2015
When was the book published: 1993
Main Characters: Harry Bosch, Irvin Irving, Calexico Moore, Lt. Pounds, mexican cop Aguillo, DEA agent Corvo
What happens?  Calexico Moore turns up dead by apparent suicide in a motel room, and the LAPD wants to sweep it under the rug, but Harry wants to find out what really happened.  Black Ice is some kinda drug hybrid that the Mexicans and Hawaiians are battling over
How long was this? 427 pages
Did I like this? Of course, it's Harry Bosch, it's the best.
Overall grade: A-

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hush, Hush by Laura Lippman

Title: Hush, Hush
Author: Laura Lippman
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 3, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Tess Monaghan, Melisandre who killed her baby years ago, ex-husband Stephen, Daughters Ruby and Alanna, Harmony Burns-documentary maker, Sandy, older man who works with Tess, Aunt Kitty who is now married to wheelchair bound attorney Tyner.
What happens? Melisandre comes back 20 years after acquital for the murder of her baby, wants to be back in the lives of her daughters.  She hires Harmony to do a documentary about post partum depression, and hires Tess and Sandy, via Tyner, who is still acting under her influence.
How long was this? 363 pages
Did I like this? Pretty good, very fast moving, a little hard to believe Melisandre's powers over other people, but a good thriller
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Nobody Walks by Mick Herron

Title: Nobody Walks
Author: Mick Herron
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: April 23, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Tom Bettany, JK Coe, Tom's son, Liam, Marten Saar and Oskar, MI6 lady Dame Ingrid Tearney, Flea Perkins
What happens?  Tom has quit the secret service life and is living rough in France, gets word that his estranged son Liam has died, falling from his balcony.  He gets drawn into a plot to control the muskrat (new strain of weed) trade, and mixed up with the spies who mess with everyone's lives.
How long was this? 296 pages
Did I like this? Excellent new writer, need to find more of his work, great plot, moved along at a fast pace
Overall grade: A-

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Stranger by Harlan Coben

Title: The Stranger
Author: Harlan Coben
Did I listen or read?: Nook
When did I finish?: April 18, 2015
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Adam, wife Corinne, two sons, Tripp, "Gaston"
What happens?  The stranger informs Adam that his wife faked her pregnancy, and it starts a series of events that winds up with Corinne missing, money missing from the lacrosse treasury.  We see some of the other plots of "the stranger."
How long was this? 300 pages
Did I like this? Very good story.  The idea of a small group of young people revealing secrets, sometimes for profit, othertimes for "good" is a bit bizarre, but a good story, great characters, keeps moving.
Overall grade: A-

Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

Title: Dragonfly in Amber
Author: Diana Gabaldon
Did I listen or read?: Audible
When did I finish?: April 17, 2015
When was the book published:  1990s
Main Characters:  Book two with Claire, Jaime, Bryanna is introduced at the beginning
What happens?  Starts in 1968, Claire with Roger and Bry visit graves at the battle site, then back to the 1700s where Jamie and Claire try to stop the inevitable final battle at Culledon.  In Paris, then Edinburgh. Spoiler alert - Ends back in 1968 when Claire tells them the whole story.
How long was this? 36 hours I think!
Did I like this? Sensational, love the whole experience, the accents, the humor, the gore.
Overall grade: A

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Time And Again by Jack Finney

Title: Time and Again
Author: Jack Finney
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: April 9, 2015
When was the book published: 1970
Main Characters: Si Morley, time traveler
What happens? Si gets recruited to a government sponsored time travel effort where they combine simulation (a warehouse full of real life sets) and mental manipulation and hypnotism to have people go back in time.  They do extensive debriefs of the travelers because they think that what they do in the past might change the present, that something in the traveler's memory might not exist anymore.  Si goes back to 1882 to observe the mailing of a letter that ends up with the suicide of her grandfather.
How long was this?398 packed pages
Did I like this? pretty good, the ending was great, the middle was slooooooow.
Overall grade: B

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Edge of Eternity

Title:  The Edge of Eternity
Author: Ken Follett
Did I listen or read?:  Library book
When did I finish?: March 29, 2015
When was the book published: 2014 I think
Main Characters: George Jakes, Walli, Plum Nellies, Dimka and Tanya, Jasper Murray, Rebecca, Maria Summers, Vasili
What happens?  A sweeping saga of 4 families in the US, UK, Germany and Russia from the early 60s into the late 80s, through the Kennedys, the civil rights movement, the fall of the Berlin Wall and communism
How long was this?  1098 pages
Did I like this?  Not great, a lot of jumping around between different stories, with personal angles mixed in.  "Jasper hugged Verena to protect her from the shooter who just killed Martin Luther King, and admired her beautiful eyes."
Overall grade: C

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Suspicion by Joseph Finder

Title:  Suspicion
Author: Joseph Finder
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: March 8, 2015
When was the book published:  2014
Main Characters: Author Danny Goodman, daughter Abby, girlfriend Lucy, rich guy Tom Galvin, wife Celine, daughter Jenna, Dr. Mendoza, Yeager and Slocum - DEA agents
What happens? Danny's ex-wife has passed away, and he is trying to raise Abby, who is about to get thrown out of ritzy private school Lyman because Danny is out of money.  Abby has become friends with Jenna, and Tom gives Danny a 50,000 dollar loan.  Slocum and Yeager appear and force Danny to turn against Tom, spying on him to provide information because he handles the finances of the Sinaloa cartel.
How long was this? 390 pages
Did I like this? Excellent story, simple, great writing, believable characters.  Danny doesn't turn into an action hero, but he does get mixed up in the action.  Why didn't I know about this author sooner?
Overall grade: A

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Vault by Peter Lovesey

Title:  The Vault
Author: Peter Lovesey
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: March 1, 2015
When was the book published: 199
Main Characters: Peter Diamond - detective, American professor Joe Dougan, other cops Halliwell and Wigfull, Peg Redbird - antiques dealer, Uncle Evan the puppet show guy
What happens? The find bones in The Vault which is an archaelogical site under the Bath historic church site.  The site used to have a house where Mary Shelley worked on Frankenstein.  The American professor is chasing Shelley artificacts, finds a book of Blake poems that might have been hers, and finds the possible Shelley writing desk that Uncle Evan sold to Redbird years ago.
How long was this? 331 pages
Did I like this? pretty good, would do another "Peter Diamond"
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Burning Room by Michael Connelly

Title: The Burning Room
Author: Michael Connely
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: Feb 21, 2015
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Harry Bosch, Det. Soto (Lucky Lucy,)
What happens?  Two cases.  Harry is working the Merced case where a guy shot 10 years ago playing with a mariachi band got shot, and just died recently.  Lucy admits that she joined the police because of an arson fire that killed several in her day care many years ago, the Bonnie Brae fire.  Bosch discovers that the fire was set as a distraction for a robbery committed nearby.
How long was this? 388 pages
Did I like this? Excellent Connelly work, great plots, great characters, Harry in trouble as always.
Overall grade: A-

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Title:  Outlander
Author: Diana Gabaldon
Did I listen or read?: listen, download
When did I finish?: Feb 26, 2015
When was the book published: 1991?
Main Characters: Claire Beecham Randall, Frank Randall, James Fraser, Dougall and Calum McKenzie, Gilas, Mrs Finch, James sister Jenny and husband Ian, Black Jack Randall
What happens? Claire reunites with Frank after the war, visits the circle of stones, and winds up in 1742, lives with Calum and Dougall, and gets married to Jamey.
How long was this? 33 hours
Did I like this? Loved every minute.  I read this after watching the first season (maybe 6 episodes?) of the story on Starz.
Overall grade: A+

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Sudoku Murder by Shelley Freydont

Title: The Sudoku Murder
Author: Shelley Freydont
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: February 13, 2015
When was the book published: 2007
Main Characters: Katie McDonald, Aunt Pru, the Professor, Harry, Chief Brandon Mitchell
What happens? Katie gets called back to her New Hampshire hometown by her old mentor, the Professor (PT) who is in trouble.  The town's puzzle museum is under assault; they are looking to close it down to open a mall.
How long was this?  342 pages
Did I like this? mediocre plot, lumpy repetitive character development, nonsensical foundation
Overall grade: C-

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Last Letter from Your Lover by JoJo Moyes

Title: The Last Letter from Your Lover
Author: JoJo Moyes
Did I listen or read?: nook book on android tablet
When did I finish?: Jan 31, 2015
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Jennifer Stirling in the 60's, Ellie Haworth in 2003
What happens? Jennifer wakes up from a coma to find an angry and distant husband, friends who won't tell her what happened, and a mystery:  Who wrote the love letters she finds stashed in her house?  In 2003, Ellie Haworth finds the letters in some about-to-be-discarded newspaper file boxes.
How long was this? 390 pages
Did I like this? I really like JoJo's writing and storytelling.  Very compelling and absorbing.
Overall grade: A-

Gray Mountain by John Grisham

Title: Gray Mountain
Author: John Grisham
Did I listen or read?: nook on android tablet
When did I finish?: Jan 25, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Samantha Kofer, the Gray brothers, Mattie who runs the legal aid clinic
What happens? Samantha loses her job as a lawyer in the 2008 crash, gets a job at an Appalachia legal aid clinic, gets involved with strip mining, big coal, and the Gray brothers
How long was this? 368 pages
Did I like this? Very good story, good Grisham.
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Book of Spies by Gayle Lynds

Title: The Book of Spies
Author: Gayle Lynds
Did I listen or read?: library audio book
When did I finish?: December 10, 2014
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Eva Blake, Judd Ryder
What happens?  Eva gets thrown in jail for the death of her husband in a bizarre car accident, and Judd's father is assassinated while talking to someone about the Library of Gold.  Judd and Eva get thrown together chasing around Europe to find the mysterious cabal of influential and powerful men who have been part of a vast world wide conspiracy to protect the Library of Gold while having their own careers flourish through manipulated events.
How long was this? 12 hours
Did I like this? Barely.  Far fetched.  Like a Nicholas Cage novel, with mysterious powerful men spinning their web of influence and power without reasonable explanation.  Good exciting spy mystery at some points.
Overall grade: C+

SIlkworm by Robert Galbraith

Title: Silkworm
Author: Robert Galbraith
Did I listen or read?: Nook book
When did I finish?: Jan 9, 2015
When was the book published: June, 2014
Main Characters: Cormoran Strike for the 2nd time, his girl Robin and her fiance Matthew, author Owen Quine, wife Leonora and mentally handicapped daughter Orlando, plus a cast of writers, agents and publishers
What happens?  Leonora hires Strike to find Owen, who has gone missing after making a stink about his book called Bombyx Mori (aka Silkworm.)  Owen turns up dead (found by Strike murdered in brutal fashion), and the evidence points to Leonora, and Strike makes it his mission to clear her name.  How long was this? 454 pages
Did I like this?  Pretty good.  Plot and the multiple characters swirling around Quine was a bit hard to follow, but I am very interested in the continued adventures of Strike and Robin.
Overall grade: B+

Damage by Keith Francis

Title: Damage
Author: Keith Francis
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: December 20, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Jeff Hinkley, the British Horseracing Authority
What happens? Hinkley is an investigator and master of disguises for BHA.  He sees Matthew Unwin murder someone at a track by cutting his throat.  Someone starts committing acts of terror (poisoning jockeys, then the race course judges, after setting explosives in a jump fence at Cheltenham.)  Hinkley has to figure it out, and it leads where you might expect - into the seat of power.
How long was this? 400 pages
Did I like this?  Good stuff, in the Francis mold, as Hinkley wrestles with his relationship with his girlfriend, and his contentious co-workers.  Not the best of, but very readable.
Overall grade: B+

The Art Forger by B.A. Shapiro

Title: The Art Forger
Author: B.A. Shapiro
Did I listen or read?: library audio book
When did I finish?: Jan 10, 2015
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Claire Roth, Isabelle Stewart Gardner, her friend Rick, lawyer Mike, gallery owner Aiden Markel, former boyfriend Isaac
What happens? Roth is a struggling artist haunted by events three years ago (who works for when she helped her boyfriend Isaac create a work that he took credit for.  Markel comes to her to get her to "do good" - to copy a stolen Dega (After the Bath,) and allow him to sell the forgery and then return the original to the Gardner museum.
How long was this? 9 hours
Did I like this? This was a really good story!  I really liked the details about the process of creating a painting.
Overall grade: A-